Chapter One// The Job

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After auditioning four times, I finally a call back. Even though I wasn't that interested in acting in a crime show, but maybe it would turn out well.

About an hour after I got the call, the producers sent out a mass text to the whole cast. They were gonna get the cast a reservation at a restaurant so we could meet each other before we started filming. Then they listed our names, since they had forgotten to beforehand. Disappointedly, they forgot the "Gray" in my name.

I walked to my closet and found new clothes. I slipped out of my purple hoodie into a white button down. I figured it would look more official, and I needed to look official. If I didn't they'd probably regret choosing me, especially with how weird I was.

The producers sent out another text. They made reservations at Olive Garden. I sighed. I wasn't the biggest fan of Italian. I would be fine though, as long as I didn't make a fool of myself.


I arrived at the restaurant. I let the names of the other main actors run through my head. I walked into the restaurant to see a man sitting in the waiting area. He stood up and I took a good look at him. He was about my height, but had a slight slouch. He was mainly noticeable for his thinning black hair and bushy eyebrows.

He walked up to me and smiled, "Hi I'm Mandy Patinkin. I'm playing Jason Gideon. I'm guessing you're Spencer, by the way the producers described him."

I looked down at my clothes. Did I really look a nerd? I didn't find me and Spencer much alike. I apparently I was wrong.

"The rest of the cast is here, except for the guy who plays Derek. I'm pretty sure his name is Shemar Moore. I bet he's one of those guys who's always late."

He noticed I wasn't responding, so together we walked over to the reserved table where the cast would be eating. Four people sat around the table, talking and smiling. I sat down in a seat beside Mandy on one side and an empty seat on the other.

A man with dark black hair turned toward me, smiling. Just by his looks, I could instantly tell why they cast him as an FBI agent.

"Hey I'm Thomas Gibson. I'm gonna be playing Hotch." He turned around to the three actresses at the table. He pointed at a serious-looking, middle aged woman. "This is Lola Glaudini. She's playing Elle." He then pointed at two blonde women named Kirsten and A.J., who would be playing Penelope and Jennifer.

A tall black man rushed into the restaurant, sitting in the empty chair beside me. He looked tired, yet determined for something. If he was who I thought he was, he was probably determined to meet me and the other actors.

"Sorry I'm late. Umm, so I'm Shemar Moore. I'm Derek on the show," he breathed.

I nodded. I was correct about who he was. As I looked around, I realized I was the only person not to introduce themselves. "I'm Matthew Gray Gubler. You can just call me Matthew," I rambled, establishing who I was.

A waitress walked over to the table. We all started to order.

I ordered some cheese ravioli, which was probably the most cheesy thing in the restaurant. We sat there for bit until the waitress came back with the food, a basket of breadsticks, and a cheese grater.

"Does anyone want extra cheese?" she asked after handing us all the food. Everyone said no except me. She got the cheese grater and started spinning it.

"Tell me when," she said. I watched the cheese dump on the ravioli. She had spun it seven times before I realized it was enough.

She walked away and I ate a piece of ravioli. It took me a second to realize everyone was staring me. I looked up and mumbled, "What? I really like cheese."

Shemar laughed. "Yeah, we can tell."

I felt my face grow hot and I looked down at my cheesy meal. They ignored me and started a new conversation. They all seemed to get along so well. I seemed to be on the outside, only butting in when the conversation got funny or weird.

"I just realized I'm like the only black person in this cast," Shemar smirked, trying to make a joke out of it.

Everyone chuckled a tiny bit, except for me. I ended up laughing to hard while drinking water and choked on it.

Thomas started to laugh. "Do you have a water allergy we need to know about?"

Everyone laughed as I shook my head and smiled. After I bit longer of hanging with the cast, I felt confident we would all be good friends and that the show would be fun.

It finally turned to night, so we all began to leave. It was obvious we were all full and tired.

"Tomorrow we'll all meet up at the set," Mandy explained. "They'll give us our scripts and tell us our schedule." We all nodded and people started to leave. I watch as Shemar's hugged everyone before they can walk off. He hugged me last, and quickly parted.

"See you tomorrow," Shemar smiled, walking toward his car.

"Umm," I mumbled, stumbling toward my car, "bye." I wasn't used to people I just met being so nice. It's not that the hug disturbed me. It was just unusual.

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