Chapter Fifteen// 70s Rodeo

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I woke up severely hungover. Shemar seemed to be completely fine though, which made my drunk mind pretty angry.

"How many jello shots did you have?" Shemar laughed.

"Like, 23... how many did Joe bring?" I slurred.

"He brought like 40. And that's way too many, Pretty Boy." Shemar scoffed.

"Don't judge me," I whined as I felt a headache coming on.

"I'm gonna order us some breakfast. You need some food in you so this hangover can go away," Shemar got out of bed and stretched.

"What I need is an Advil," I rubbed my forehead, trying to force my headache away.

Shemar chuckled at me and walked out of the room.

I looked at my phone and googled "how many jello shots are too many?"

The breakfast came, and after eating I felt a lot better.

"Are the shots wearing off?" Shemar asked as he ate his toast.

"Yep. So what are we doing today?" I pushed my hair back out of my face.

"We could go see a movie, or go to the hotel pool," he suggested.

"Let's go to a movie. A lot of good movies are coming out this year," I said.

We looked up what movies were playing at the local theater. Captain America had just come out a few days ago, so we decided on that movie.

When we arrived at the theater, we got a huge bucket of popcorn and some twizzlers. We sat up higher, away from everyone else.

Shemar held my hand the whole movie. I didn't mind.

When the movie ended, it was beginning to be night already. We looked at the darkening sky as we stepped onto the smooth concrete of the sidewalk.

"You wanna just go take a walk by the beach?" Shemar asked.

"Sure," I smiled.

We held hands and walked to the beachside. By the sand, a concession stand was up. Shemar and I grabbed some ice cream from the stand and walked to the water.

We sat in the sand as the stars started to shine. I took my shoes off and put my feet into the water. The water was warm from the sun beaming on it all day, so it was very soothing.

"It's nice out here," Shemar said after a while, breaking the silence.

"It's not even crowded," I added as I looked around at the few couples that walked around.

I moved closer to Shemar so that we were touching. I started to draw lines in the sand.

"I love you," Shemar put his arm around my waist. It took me by surprise, but I was glad he said it.

"I love you too," I breathed, a smile spreading across my face.

The moon started to shine on us. I laid my head on his shoulder while he held me. I had never wanted to be any place more than here.

A shooting star shot across the sky.

"Make a wish, Pretty Boy." Shemar whispered.

I closed my eyes. I never wanna leave you. Please, don't leave me. I said to myself silently. I wondered what his wish was. Would it be the same as mine? I tried not to think of if too much while I let myself relax in his arms.


My eyes fluttered open. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone off my desk, glancing at the time. It was 2 in the morning.

I turned and tried to get more comfortable. Shemar was fast asleep. I tried to be the same as him.

Free about a half-hour of trying to sleep, I just pushed myself out of the bed. I put on a robe and started walking around the hotel. It was small and cozy, and just had a great feel to it. Maybe I just liked hotels more 'cause of Shemar.

I heard a bubbling noise and glanced to my left. Outside of the back door was a hot tub. I smiled and went into the bathroom. I changed from my boxers into my cold, salty swimsuit.

I walked outside and sat in the hot tub. I let my body sink in the warm water and closed my eyes. It was very soothing.

I didn't even know we had a hot tub. Did Shemar know? Why didn't he tell me? Did the rest of the cast have hot tubs? They probably did. The producers wouldn't get a hot tub for me and Shemar and no one else. Or would they?

I heard a creaking noise and opened my eyes. Shemar was leaning against the glass door.

"What are you doing, Pretty Boy?" he yawned.

I shrugged. "I couldn't sleep."

Shemar's lips curled into a smile as a small chuckle came from him. He slipped his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants and mumbled, "Come on. Maybe I can help you sleep."

I frowned. "Join me."

Shemar walked closer to the hot tub and kneeled down. "I'm not getting in a hot tub this late."

"Please," I whined, now just trying to get on his nerves. It didn't seem to work though. He was probably too tired.

His fingers touched my cheek and he pulled me into a kiss. When he pulled away, I smiled. I let us sit in silence for a bit. Then, I splashed him.

"Matthew!" He jumped up, laughing and trying to wipe the water off of himself.

I giggled. "You wanna get in the hot tub now?"

Shemar rolled his eyes, his laughing coming to a slight stop. "No. I'm sleeping so we can actually wake up early enough to do something fun during the day."

I sighed and pushed myself out of the water. "You're such a buzz kill."

He walked to the bedroom as I sulked into the bathroom. I dried off and changed back into my boxers. I slightly combed my hair to make sure it wouldn't tangle to much in my sleep, then went to the bedroom.

Shemar was sitting on his phone. I sat beside him and laid my head on his shoulder as I pulled the covers over me.

I glanced at his phone. He was scrolling through MySpace. He needed to get Instagram. It was a lot better than MySpace. But, I didn't say anything.

After a minute, he put his phone on the charger and put it on the desk. I lifted my head from his shoulder. He turned his head toward me and kissed me.

After a few seconds, we parted. "I love you," Shemar whispered. "Now sleep."

I smiled, a small giggle leaving me. "Love you too."

I laid down and closed my eyes. I noticed when Shemar put his arm around me and soon after he started snoring. I fell asleep quickly after him.

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