Chapter Eight// Snuggle

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That night, we pushed our beds together so it would be just one big bed for the both of us.

We grew closer throughout the week. I was sad to find out we would be going back home soon. I loved being with Shemar. It was so weird. I never thought I'd be saying "I love you" to a man.

I woke up in our double bed to the smell of bacon and eggs. I pushed myself up to seeing Shemar at the small kitchen table with room service food.

"Come on and eat, Pretty Boy," Shemar smiled when he saw I had woken up.

I smiled and walked to the table. I was so glad not to be eating candy bars for breakfast.


The producers said we could do whatever we wanted to for the last two days of our vacation, since we were done with filming the episode. Shemar seemed happier when they said that. I was just glad to be done working.

Thomas proposed the idea of the whole cast going out to dinner. Everyone agreed and we voted on a place to go. It ended up being Red Lobster.

"I can't believe we're already on season four," A.J. smiled as we flew through conversation during our dinner.

"I can personally say that we've grown a lot since season one," Thomas said as if bragging.

We all agreed with him, even Paget and Joe, who weren't even here for season one.

"To Criminal Minds!" Thomas cheered, lifting his drink for a toast. We toasted a lot.

"Criminal Minds!" we all cheered in agreement.

I thought about three years ago, when Mandy had proposed that. I looked over to Shemar. I've known him for three years, and we just now noticed our feelings. I held his hand from under the table, so no one would see. He smiled at me. I smiled back.


We arrived back to our room somewhat exhausted. Shemar got into the shower while I plopped down onto the pushed-together beds.
I felt myself drift into sleep.

"Matthew? You awake?" I could hear Shemar's voice.

I rubbed my eyes and looked up. "Now I am," I moaned.

He laid down beside me and ran his fingers through my hair. I smiled at him.

"It's been a long week," he breathed.

"Yeah," I agreed.

I put my head on his shoulder and snuggled up to him. This seemed a lot more comfortable than the bed or a pillow. We talked about random things and the show until it was about midnight.

"I might sleep now," I said.

Shemar kissed me on the nose before we fell asleep. I snuggled up to him even more and fell asleep.

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