Chapter Three// Lunch

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The end of season one came quicker than I thought it would. It was weird when it did. Especially since Lola gave the news she would be quitting the show.

I wasn't that close to Lola. I usually stuck to hanging out with Shemar or A.J. But I was still pretty sad about her leaving.

The writers decided they wanted to give her character a proper reason for her to leave in the show, which meant it would take a few episodes. They said that's how it would be everytime someone left.

I looked around at the cast and crew that I had been working with for these past nine months. I could never leave this show or the people that worked here, even if acting wasn't my favorite thing. They were my closest friends.

Lola convinced to let us film the first few episodes of season two before we took our season break. She wanted to get out of Los Angeles as soon as possible.

The few weeks of filming was painful, knowing it would be our last times seeing her. The last day was filled with quick goodbyes and hugs. And soon Lola left, and we were all devastated.

"There's always gonna be change," Mandy spoke after we sat in silence for moments. "She just happened to be the first to go."


I sat in my trailer, doodling in my notebook. I had just finished packing up my stuff for season break.

I heard a knock at my door, then footsteps. I turned around to see Shemar holding two red boxes with yellow smiles on them. He set them on my desk and smiled.

"Shemar, aren't we a little old for Happy Meals?" I asked.

"You aren't," he laughed, sitting down and opening one of the boxes.

I pushed my notebook aside and opened up my box. I pulled out my chicken nuggets and started to eat them, sad there was no sauce. I watched Shemar take out the toy and smile.

"It's a Big Time Rush kazoo," he said.

I scoffed and bit into a chicken nugget.

Shemar placed down the toy and glanced at my notebook. He picked it up and started to open it, but I snatched it from his hand.

"Woah. Okay then, Matthew. You could've just told me not to touch it," he laughed.

"Sorry, I'm just weird about people seeing my art I guess," I shrugged, placing the book on my desk.

"I'm sure you're an amazing artist," he smiled.

I ignored his compliment and finished my happy meal. Shemar blew into his kazoo. I didn't stop him. It was funny to hear him try to make something good out of a cheap McDonald's toy.

After about an hour, Shemar left. I threw away the boxes and finally drove home. It was late and I had considered just sleeping in the trailer, but I changed my mind due to the uncomfortableness.

I spent the car ride just listening to random music and being bored. I was pleased when I finally got home. I quickly plopped onto my bed and looked at my phone.

I enjoyed that five star dinner Pretty Boy :p

Shemar texted me. I smiled as I replied to him. I always smiled when talking to him. It was weird. Maybe he was just an optimistic person that made everyone happy.

I pushed my thoughts away and forced myself into the shower. I let my mind race as I stood in the water. I thought of the toast Mandy made to the show on the very first episode. Many years. Lola was gone. She didn't get many years. She got eight months. Surely that didn't mean anything bad for the show. It was just one character. There'd be a replacement. But it would be different. Who would be the next to be replaced?

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