Chapter Nine// The Sports Chapter

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We flew home on the weekend. We were now on season break. While I was unpacking, Shemar called me.

"Hey, Pretty Boy," Shemar said.

"Hi," I said. "You don't usually call me unless you need something."

"Yeah, um well I had an idea. Since we're on season break, I thought we could go on a date," he said.

"You're asking me out over a phone call?"

"Well, yes."

"Yes! I mean, of course I'd go on a date with you, but um, where would we go?"

"Do you like sports?"

"Watching them is cool,"

"I had the idea for us to go to Mii Sports,"

"Is that like Wii Sports the video game, but in real life?"

"Yes, and we could book a hotel room to stay in for a night or two,"

"I wanna go," I was excited about getting to play sports with him. And for the hotel.

It was settled. Next week we would be going to the Mii Sports arena. And hopefully getting a queen-sized hotel bed.

One Week Later

We arrived at the hotel and put our stuff up. Since it was summer, we'd have to wear something that would keep us cooler. I wore some Nike shorts and a t-shirt. Shemar was basically wearing the same thing.

The arena was very big. There were about 5 large tennis courts, a bowling alley, a golf course, a baseball field and a boxing ring. I obviously knew we wouldn't even try boxing. We both know who would win.

We first walked to the golf course. I thought this would be easy for me, but it wasn't.

I got a set of clubs that were good for my height, and Shemar and I went to the first hole. We did decent. Shemar got a par. I got a double bogey.

We went to the next course. I hit first, and I hit pretty far. However, Shemar still hit farther... by twelve feet. When it was my turn again, I knew there was a problem.

Five trees were in the way of me hitting. But I couldn't move the ball. I got in the hitting stance and hit the ball.

It bounced off of a tree and almost hit me in the face.

I heard Shemar laugh as I picked up the ball. "Try again, Pretty Boy."

I looked up and gave him a look of death. Then went to hit it again. Foul.

Hit. Foul. Hit. Foul. Hit. Foul. Hit. Foul. Hit. Foul. Hit. Foul.

I screamed, threw my golf club at a tree, and dropped to the grass. It was comforting to lay down, but I was very angered.

"Matthew," Shemar laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me up into a sitting position.

"I give up," I hissed, wanting to just play a different sport.

"We have to finish the hole," Shemar smiled.

I gave him a death glare and mumbled, "You can finish it, but I give up."

Shemar laughed, and forced me to stand up. I grew happier as I watched Shemar finish the hole and we traded our golf clubs for baseball bats and gloves.

"Do you know how to pitch, Pretty Boy?" Shemar asked as he stood at first base and got in a batting stance.

I looked at the ball in my hand and twisted it around with my fingers. "I've watched it in games," I replied. "I think I can figure it out."

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