{7} Stay

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"Gerard. Im afraid Im going to have to expell you."

"What? No! Mr.Vasquez please! You dont understand!"

"No Frank, you dont understand,"

Gerard just stood slient. His head hung low as he starred into his lap, letting Frank say what he wants.

"Frank. I truly think you dont understand." He repeated. "Gerard has been suspended multiple times this year, its only November. Im sorry that you got dragged into this,"

"Into what?" Frank intruppted.
"Gerard saved my life last week. I can keep him out of trouble, I promise."

Mr.Vasquez gave a quiet, sympathetic sigh. "Okay. Im willing to make another exception. Gerard you will stay enrolled, but your grades must be up by the end of the nine weeks. No fights, no referrals, no trouble or im going to expell you. For real this time." He glared. Honestly, Principal Vasquez really wanted to expell Gerard, hes practically been counting down the days until he could formally expell him. However, he did have a soft spot for Frank.

Gerard didn't show much emotions, nodding and giving a simple "okay" was all he did before leaving the office.

"Frank," Mr.Vasquez set a file down, gesturing for me to stay. "I want you to keep an eye on Gerard. If anything happens you let me know, or you are going to have to face punishment as well. Do I make myself clear? Oh, and before I forget, you have detention for a week for leaving during the school day."

I nodded. This wasnt going to be an easy task. But maybe, just maybe I can turn Gerard around. He would be a whole new man- I mean- guy? Vampire? I dont know.

I scurried out of the office, my mother was sitting in a chair near by, she probably heard everything. She stood up, clenching her purse and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"So that's Gerard?" She looked over at the boy in the black leather jacket and crop top, hunched over and his long hair covering his face. Yep, thats Gerard.

"Yeah. That's him." I gave her a reassuring smile. "Frank we need to talk," she tugged on my shirt, as we left the office, I gave Gerard a small smile as I passed him.

"Frank, Im glad your making friends, and I know he saved your life, but I dont want you around a trouble maker like him."

"I know, I just, I wanna fix him."

"Fix him? Frank he isn't a toy."

"I mean his attitude. Mr.Vasquez said I have to keep him in line if he wants to stay enrolled."

"Well isnt that his own fault? I dont want you getting dragged into these kind of situations. Maybe I should just pull you out-"

"No! I mean, no. Please no. I've made many new friends, I dont wanna lose them. I dont know why, but Gerard needs me. He'll end up knowwhere without me. Please I cant leave. I promise I'll be good. I'll never do anything like that again. For the first time in ever, I feel like I have a purpose here. "

I was begging and crying. I've never cried over something like this before. I guess sight just adds on to the feeling of loss. Without my sight I didn't care as much, or at least tried not too. Before I could say anything else I ran upstairs and into my room. I crawled under my bed, hiding from her as I cried. I didn't want her to see me like this. Not ever.


I looked around, nothing. A black nothing. I still didn't know where the voice was coming from.

A rush of cold air ran down my spine and around my neck. I turned around, trying to find the thing that has been haunting me for oh-so long.

"Ive been watching you Frankie,"

"Show yourself you son-ofa-bitch!"
I turned around in circles, feeling a sharp pain in my back. I tumbled over, holding myself up withone hand and reaching behind me with my other to try to touch my back to find out what was causing the stinging pain.

I find a gash in my back, touching it lighty and bringing my hand back im front of me. My finger tips were covered in my own blood. I let out a blood curling scream.

Ive just been stabbed. IVE JUST BEEN FUCKING STABBED!

"Please," I choked out. "Have mercy," I cried as I crawled away. There was knowhere for me to go. All around me was the empty. That's what I'll call it, The Empty.

"Frankie. You want mercy?"

"Yes..., please,"

"I know how to make it go away Frankie. I know how to make it all go away."

I looked up, to find a featureless figure in front of me. "How?"

"Kill yourself Frankie,"

"What? No-"

"You want to feel this pain Frank? It can all go away. All you have to do I get a rope, tie it around your ceiling fan, and-"

"Stop! Stop it please!"

"Do it Frank. Do it."

I gasped for air. Catching my breath as I looked right out the window. It was still dark out.

I slipped out of bed. Quielty walking to the bathroom.

I ran the tap, wetting my face and looking up into the mirror. I had dark circles under my eyes, and my air stood tall on the side of my head. I opened the cabnit and took some Modafinil.

I walked back into my room, turning on the small desk lamp mother recently got for me after I regained my sight. It's funny to me now that I need so many things now that I can see, I didnt even have a light bulb in my room before all this. I got up and opened my window, letting the cool breeze in. I did everything I could to stay up that night. I sat on the cool wooden floor, thinking to myself. Is this all a sign? What do these dreams and voices mean? I'm not suicidal what so ever, so these dreams are absolutely concerning, I would like to talk to someone about it but i dont like stressing mother out. But tonight i will promise myself, I will never ever end my own life. Ever.

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