Chapter 3

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Ryder Pov

My name is Ryder Collins, I am 17 years of age, I'm 6'1 in height, I have black hair, sharp cheek bones. I am single and think that love is pointless. I care for a very few people which includes my dad and my friends.

I live with my dad which is a well known business man, owns a multi millionaire company which I will soon take over.

My mom left my dad for another man because my dad didn't have anything at the time. So I grew up without a mother and believe all women want is money.

Anyways I've just gotten back from my vacation in Italy with my dad.

It was now six in the evening, so I've decided to meet up with my guys at starbucks and catch up on what has been taken place when I was away.

I got in my Lexus NX and drove to starbucks. After fifteen minutes of speeding I've pulled up at starbucks, I parked my car and went inside I spot the guys at our usual table in the back near the window.

"Look who's finally back" said Lukas. Wassup bro's anything new in the making.Not really how was Italy? It was good you know all though it was purely business that I went there for. My dad was teaching me some stuffs that I need to know because as you all know I will be inheriting the company soon.

That's good bro we need to go out this saturday,it's been a while since I've went to the club. Okay saturday it is then we'll meet up there at eight.

A female waiter came up to our to take our order, exposing alot of her cleavages, tell you about these desperate bimbo. Good evening gentlemen what can I get for you? "First of all you can get your boobs out of our face then I would like to have chicken caprese sandwich and a iced coffee with milk" I replied.

The guys gave there order and then the waitress walk away embarrassed saying our order will be out in a few.

"Ryder you can't forever be single you know, i know what your mom did was wrong but you can't let her,take away your chance at love." Said my friends.
"Yeah guys I know you tell me this everyday, I am happy being alone girls are after my money just like my mom who was after the billionaire she left dad for I hope she rot in hell" came my curt reply. 

The guys and I were dicussing what they did for summer when  the door bell chime signaling that someone as enter, not that I would normally care but I don't know what was up with me but when I look at who has enter I was speechless, I mean no girl has ever caught my attention but there was something about this girl she seems different from other girls I can tell.

"Earth to Ryder what's gotten into you? " questioned Jax  "Umm nothing!" I replied a little too quickly "Sure it was" said Jax.

"Good to know you're not gay you got us worried now that girl has gotten your attention we're feeling much better" Said Jacob. 

"I hope she go to our school then things will be interesting" said one of the guys, "Shut up guys I do notice women, and one girl can't change the way I feel about women so quit wasting your time planning or imaging whatever is going through your head" I told them.

However I was praying that I didn't meet this girl again anywhere because I have a feeling it won't end well.

The waitress carry out food and set our order down. Would you guys be needing anything else? No that's all, okay I will come back after you're finish eating with your balance. The guys and I began eating our food.

Couple minutes after we've finished our meal and call the waitress over, we payed out bill and decided to call it a night because we have school tomorrow.

We got up to leave and then i saw her again this time a got a better view of her she was sitting staring out the window looking peaceful then as if sensing my presence she turn around and our eyes locked together ,i stood rooted in the same spot for a few minutes it was Lukas voice which bought me back to reality.

Taking one final glance at her then i walked out of starbucks to my car bidding the guys goodbye and then we all went out seperate ways.

Cattleya Pov✨

I've  just gotten up from my nap, it was now six in the evening so I've decided to go to starbucks for dinner. I got up out of bed, went to the bathroom and did my business. After showering and stuff , I went in my closet to pick out a simple outfit.

***outfit in the pic below ⬇⬇**

After I've gotten dress, I went to the garage,got into my Bugatti Chiron and drove to starbucks which was fifteen minutes drive from where I live

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After I've gotten dress, I went to the garage,got into my Bugatti Chiron and drove to starbucks which was fifteen minutes drive from where I live. I was listening play migos culture album II.

I pulled up up at starbucks and went inside. As I got inside I felt chills went up my skin as if someone was watching me but I ignored it. It was now my turn to order, "may I have a chicken & double-smoked bacon sandwich and a caramel cocoa cluster frappuccino." I told the cashier who was a teenager with blonde tall hair she was pretty and seems nice on her name tag I saw that her name is Ariana. "Is that all mam?" She asked "Yes it is." I replied.

"Your balance is four dollars and fifteen cents." Said Ariana, I hand her a five dollar bill and told her to "keep the change."

I sat in a seat near by waiting on my order.

My order will take up to fifteen minutes so I went on Ig and began scrolling through new feeds and watching stories to kill time.

My mom called to check up on me saying she miss me and can't wait to come home , work is stressing and stuff. After telling my mom goodnight since she had to get back to work I hang up and began staring outside.

When I felt someone watching me, I turn around then there stood infront of me was a greek god,looking devilishly handsome. Our eyes locked for a few minutes then I heard Lukas calling Ryder, taking one last glance at me then he walked out.

Can someone explain to me why the hell was Ryder Fucking Collins, the infamous badboy at Rosewood High staring at me. When did he became so good looking with such drool worthy body.

Snapping out of my thoughts coming back to reality, guys are players my last relationship proved that to me, I don't need the negativity in my life afterall it was my ex boyfriend who turned me into the person I am today, a very cold hearted bitch. He's the reason for my hatridge for guys.

A waitress brought my order to me, saying a quick thank you. I began eating my food. Couple minutes after I finished eating, I got up bin my rubbish and went to my car and drove home.

By the time I got home it was now fifteen minutes to nine. So I decided call it a night, changed into my pj's and went to bed.

I didn't fall asleep immediately because my thoughts were all over the place one thought that was bothering me tho was why Ryder kept looking at me like that.

Because first of all he doesn't even take glances at girl so I was shocked to see him staring at me like that.

I began feeling giddy but I snapped out of it I can't get close to another nigga again with that thought I drifted off to sleep.

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