Chapter 4

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Cattleya Pov✨

"YOU NEVER CHEATING BOY WHY YOU LYING" blared through my alarm. I swear I hate morning like these, slamming my hand on my alarm clock, I got out of bed and went to bathroom and did my morning routine.

After I was finish doing my stuff in the bathroom I went in my closet and picked out my outfit

**outfit below**

After getting dressed, I grab my bag pack and other necessities and went downstair in the kitchen and prepare breakfast

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After getting dressed, I grab my bag pack and other necessities and went downstair in the kitchen and prepare breakfast.

I didn't feel like cooking anything so I just made something simple, bowl of cereal.After breakfast I grab a granola bar, my bag pack and my car key.

I've decided to take my Bugatti Chiron to school today, I got in my car and took off to school, seeing that I was early I've stop at starbucks on the way and order a hot chocolate and a chocolate croissant.

Since it was early starbucks was empty about five customes were here. So it took me no time to get my order. After I've collected my I went at empty table and ate my food. By the time I was finished
it was quater to eight, I bin my garbage and went it my car and hit the road again.

When I pulled up at school and park my car it was eight o'clock on the dot, the bell has just rang signaling school as start now.
When I got out of my car everyone was staring at me and my car.

Not wanting to start any drama I ignored their stares,lock my car and strutted of to find my locker.
Finally I've made it my locker and there stood my bestfriends.

"Wassup bitch" said my three musketeers. "I'm here same old same old you know." I replied  "Oh my god look who's back and looking more dashing than ever." Asked Ollie "Let me guess Ryder." I said "You got that right bitch." Stated Ollie "Awww how nice thank you malady." Said Ollie No need for sarcasm leya.
You know me too good Ollie. 

After collecting my stuff that I will need for the first three period from my locker, I told the girls bye and we all went our seperate way.

I was trying to make my through these body of students who were rushing to get to class when I was knock over by the man himself, Ryder Collins, the infamous badboy.
He walked away like he didn't just bump in me, leaving my stuffs scatter all over the place.

"Dickhead" I shouted , he turn around asking what did you just say? If you want to know what I've just said go to the principal office and ask her to show you the video clip off cause I'm sure what I said about you was caught on camera. But I didn't give a damn.

With that been said I picked up my stuff and strutted to class leaving Ryder dumbfound and the body of students whispering.

**skip to lunch time**

It was now lunch time,my friends and I were having lunch.
"I cant believe you stood up to Ryder" said Jessi. "Yeah I did and so what it's not a big deal everyone is just over exaggerating." I reply

"Well that was some badass move you did there leya and becauss of that we are going to be celebrating it and I sorta wanna go clubbing for the longest time now. So saturday it is at eight." Said Jessi

"Yeah whatever it's not like I have choice when it comes to you guys." I stated "Whoa someone looking ready to kill," Said Ollie. 
"Haha good one Ollie." I reply "I'm not joking leya, look behind you." Said Ollie

Stood behind me was no other than Thee Ryder Collins looking as if he was ready to kill. Stream coming through his ears,and if he speaks I'm sure there would be fire coming through is mouth. Haha I didn't know there was
dragon in real life, I thought they only exist in the fairytales.

Ooops I really need to keep my mouth shut don't I. Yeah I agree with you little one, you already crossed your line. Oh I'm so scared, you see Ryder everyone seems to be afraid of you but I'm not now if you don't mind I would like to finish my lunch. One last thing little one this is just the beginning if I were you I would watch my back.

**skip to Physical Education  class**

I am now walking to my last class of the day which turns out to be physical education and we we will be using the gym this week just great. That's not all another good news,it turns out that Ryder is in all of my classes including this one. Urgh what did I do to anyone to deserve any of this. I went to my locker and got change in my gym wears.

**outfit below⬇⬇**

I got change and went inside the gym where everyone was gathered around coach Hemmings

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I got change and went inside the gym where everyone was gathered around coach Hemmings. As I was saying class before I was interrupted by this late comer, we will playing volleyball today boys against girl.

"Oh come on you've got to be kidding me I just got my nails done" yelled Ashley. "Can you just shut up for once Ashley and cooperate because I'm pretty sure the ball we are about to use play volleyball, I can guarantee you that it cost more than your nails.
With that be said let's get the game going i have a bed at home waiting for me." I replied 

Alright since both sides are equal and in position you may begin when i blow the whistle.
One,two,three *whistle*,alright girls let's kick some ass.

Both teams were doing great the girls were in the lead until Ryder pulled a string and strike the ball so hard aiming for me but I was swift enough to dodge the attack and it hit Ashley straight in the face, she sorta deserve it because she couldn't stop talking. Alright that's all for today you are dismissed.

I wish every P.E class was like this. So I would get to leave cpass early. After class was dismissed Ryder walked right beside me and whisper in my ear " that was meant for you little one but consider your self lucky but it's only a matter of time before your luck wears off, remember watch your back." Said Ryder Then the bell rang signaling that school has been dismissed and I was free to go home. Alleluyah!!!!!

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