Chapter Twenty

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Paul was different.

Ever since I woke up, he's been by my side.

It took a moment to recover when I regained consciousness from traveling plains. Seeing how I had to get back on own, it took its toll on me once again. I passed out for a couple of hours, and that made Paul worry even more.

I did make a promise to him. That was a stupid thing to do in the first place. I couldn't guarantee that I would come back, but I needed him to go back, even if it was without me. So I could at least say that I tried -that I worked my hardest to be what he needed me to be.

When I woke up, he was the first person I saw. He was the first to pull me in his embrace -refusing to let me go. He kept telling me how worried he was for me, how he was afraid that I would never come back to him. I wasn't used to that. It was so foreign to me to realize that someone cared so much for me other than my best friend. Yet, here he was, refusing to leave my side the moment he let the others come to see me.

Bonnie was no different. Which made me feel guilty that I continued to worry those I loved -his was a habit I needed to break. Looking at Paul, it made me realize that I shouldn't be putting my life at risk. I wasn't invincible, and I had to remind myself just that.

The reunion was crowded. But it sure felt like we made a significant achievement. After coming back from so much, and being able to give everyone that chance of survival, it felt like a significant accomplishment. Elena was back -thanks to Renesmee. Bonnie had Jacob now, and that's something we both needed to adjust to. Just like Paul, he was attached to her, holding her close, which was a strange sight to see.

Caroline, Damon, and Stefan seemed to be grateful for my return too. Caroline more-so, she's always been clingy, and right now it was no exception. She kept telling me how thankful she was that I was able to come back and how telling me how happy she was for me that I found someone that would treat me better.

Which kind of made it difficult to look at Tyler. I could see the sorrow he burdened. With saying goodbye to everyone who was leaving, I needed to talk to him in private for a moment. Paul didn't like it, but I needed closure.

"I promise I'll be back," I looked Paul in the eyes, resting my palm on his cheek to comfort him. "this is something I need to do."

Reluctantly, he gave me a nod. Everyone seemed to watch me as I approached Tyler, signaling him for me to follow me outside.

We were at the Cullen's manor.

Everyone was inside, and I was out here with Tyler -who hasn't looked at me yet since he walked ahead of me. He led the way to the front yard and down to the creek. He turned to me; his expression hadn't changed. I could see that he was hurting in some way.

To me, his appearance hadn't changed. I could see that he was hurting in some way.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, digging my hands in my pockets.

"I should be asking you that," he smirked.

"You know what I mean," I asked.

"Yeah I do," he fidgeted, looking in the direction of the forest then back to me. "I just don't know how to handle this just yet."

"I can't leave him," I said.

"I know that..." he turned to me, "now." He sighed, "but that doesn't mean that I have to like it."

"But you understand, though, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, as much as I hate that I do," He stared at the ground now, "but I get it. You don't belong to me, and that's my fault."

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