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[published 09.12.13]

Uh, hey.

This book is going to be kinda like an online diary thing, but DON'T RUN AWAY YET.

I'm hoping to open up your eyes to things you're new to and to help you get involved in things you find really fun.

I might also do contests or something running through this book, and this book is also functioning as a Q&A thing as well, if you ever decide to talk to me or if you have any questions. Basically, this is the big book of things you probably don't care about.

I really find myself feeling close to you guys as followers and I feel like this book will help to get to know you better if in fact, you'll actually want to read it, but it's called what it is for a reason.

So if you don't want to read this book, run away now.

I expect I just lost about half of you, so if you're still reading, you've committed to my internet journal.


probably some swearing but i'll try to keep this PG

a bunch of fandoms

references to music that's absolutely irresistible and unbelievably catchy

onomatopoeias that don't make sense


etc. etc.

And if you got past this list, there's no going back.

Welcome to the minority of people who are actually going to read this.

Commentary from two years later:

•all sorts of swearing
•kpop, like a shit ton of kpop]

Add-Ons from two or so more years later:
More new guidelines: I took out some stuff from here that was particularly cringey and that i don't really want associated with this account lol so if you see a [REDACTED] in the first few parts of this don't be alarmed!! they stop once you hit the first kpop venting session chapter lmao

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