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Friday, May 15th 2026 - 8:45 pm

"Skye! Time for dinner!"

I looked up from my dollies when Mommy called. I threw them to the floor and ran out of my room, skipping down the stairs in a hurry. "Skye for christ's sake, don't run in the fucking house!" Daddy yelled, making me stop. I looked down at my shoes as Mommy quietly scolded him for yelling, and I awkwardly sat down at the small round table. "Here you go, honey - spaghetti with tomato sauce. Your favourite, right?" Mommy said, setting the plates down. I nodded, reaching for my fork when Daddy slapped my hand away, making me squeal; "Speak when you're spoken to!" he demanded. Mommy glared at him; "She already answered, now leave her alone and eat your damn food," she hissed. Daddy just huffed without saying anything and ate his supper; I looked back into the living room, seeing our android sitting on the couch, watching TV.

Andrew was such a nice android, he played with me whenever I was home alone and he always made me laugh when I was sad. But tonight he was quiet, and that made me sad.... I picked up a clump of spaghetti and shoved it in my mouth, chewing slowly as I dragged my fork around the noodles. "Don't play with your fucking food," Daddy spat. I stopped, giving him a fearful look before lowering my head again; "What the hell is your damn problem tonight?! Ever since you got home from work, you've given nothing but goddamn attitude, and I'm sick of it!" Mommy suddenly yelled, jumping up from her chair. Daddy jumped up, too, and grabbed her by the throat, making me scream and back away; "Don't you fucking DARE talk to me like that, you little bitch!" he yelled, slamming her head against the wall. I ran from the table and into the living room, falling right into Andrew's arms.

"Get back here, you little brat!"

I shook in fear, curling up into a tight ball as Andrew held me in his arms. "You'll be okay, Skye," he whispered, making me look up at him. He smiled at me gently, then set me down on the couch next to him. A crash from the kitchen made me jump, and I turned back to see Mommy fall to the floor. "Mommy!" I cried, but Andrew held me back. "Stay here!" he hissed. Daddy turned to me, fury in his eyes as he stormed over to me; Andrew suddenly stood up in front of me, blocking Daddy. "Get the fuck out of my way!" he yelled, pushing Andrew, but he didn't move. "No! I won't let you hurt her!" Andrew spat back, clenching his fists. He let out a yell as he punched Daddy in the face, making me scream and move away to the corner of the couch. Daddy managed to push Andrew away, and he kicked him in the stomach; "Leave him alone, Andrew!" Mommy called, staggering into the living room.

Andrew had stood back up and thrown Daddy into the wall when Mommy came up behind him, grabbing him by the shoulders. Andrew turned around and wrapped his hands around Mommy's throat, making me scream even louder and hide my face behind a pillow. "I'll teach you for hurting the little one! I'll teach you both!!" Andrew yelled, looking over at me as he squeezed and squeezed. And then....


I screamed at the top of my lungs when Mommy fell dead at Andrew's feet, her head laying at an awkward angle and her eyes wide open. "L...L-Lauren! You-you bastard!" Daddy yelled, charging at Andrew and tackling him to the floor. "You fucking piece of plastic!" He punched Andrew over and over again, and I cried and cried - I just wanted this to end.... Andrew managed to get on top of Daddy, and he reached up on the side table for the lamp. Before I knew it, he bashed Daddy's head in, red blood splashing onto Andrew's face, which held a satisfied grin. He stood up, dropping the bloodied lamp and wiping his hands on his uniforms as he turned to me, that grin widening. "Y-you're safe now...Skye..." he said, taking a step forward towards the couch. I jumped off, backing away as I headed for the door.

"I did it for you, Skye! They won't hurt you anymore!" he said, nodding as he continued to walk forward. I shook my head, tears streaming down my face; "No, Andrew!" I pulled open the door and ran out of the house, ignoring Andrew's calls.



"Uncle Hank!!"

I ran up to his doorstep, knocking and ringing until he finally answered the door. "Skye? Kid, what the hell are you doing out here alone, its 9 at night," he said, kneeling down in front of me. His face fell when he saw the tears; "Skye, what's wrong?" he asked, holding onto my arms. I just sobbed, throwing my arms around his neck and crying into his shoulder. "M...M-Mommy....a-and Daddy..." I managed to say. Uncle Hank picked me up, taking me inside and closing the door; he sat me down on the couch, pulling me into his side. "What happened, were your parents fighting again?" he asked. I nodded, holding onto his hand tightly; "And....a-and now....Andrew...h-he..." I stuttered, sobbing again. "What, the android? What did he do?" Uncle asked. I screwed my eyes shut; "H-he....h-he killed th-them..." Uncle Hank froze, and he got off the couch to kneel in front of me. 

"Skye...did you just say that your ANDROID killed your parents?" I nodded, looking down. "Holy fucking shit...Steve...." Uncle Hank whispered, looking down in shock before standing up. He picked up his phone and dialed a number, standing in front of me as I cried silently. "Yah Fowler, this is Detective Anderson. I need to report a homicide."

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