Chapter 19

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*Skye's p.ov.*

My eyes fluttered open, and I was staring up at a blue sky, little puffs of white clouds gently floating by. I sat up, looking around at the trees that surrounded me, and I gazed down at the tall grass I laid in. Where am I? I stood up, looking around at the rather vacant field, a gentle breeze flowing through the air and blowing my hair over my shoulders. The sun was blinding, making it nearly impossible for me to see, but I pushed on anyway - maybe there's a sign somewhere or something? But the longer I walked, the more this field felt like it went on for miles and miles. "Why would you want to leave a place like this, sweetie?" I jumped up at the voice, spinning around but finding no one behind me. "Isn't it beautiful?" I whipped back around, prepared to give this creep a piece of my mind, but when I finally saw them...I couldn't even describe what I was feeling. "Hello, my little angel."

"...Mom?" She smiled, holding her arms open, and I instantly ran to her. I nearly collapsed in her arms, burying my face in her shoulder as I instantly sobbed like a child. "I've missed you so much, my angel..." she whispered. She pulled away, looking me over and delicately wiping my tears away; "My, how you've grown..." Her own eyes were glassy, but she smiled anyway; "I hope your Uncle Hank is treating you right," she said, poking my shoulder. I nodded; "He is, I promise. But I do give him a hard time sometimes..." I mumbled sheepishly. Mom sighed, shaking her head; "That's alright, sweetie, it's just how you are..." She cupped my face in her hands, green eyes looking into green eyes, and she pulled me in for another hug. "Oh, I'm so happy you can be with me again - just imagine how little Cole will react when he sees you!" she said, taking me by my hand and walking into the bright sunlight.

I stopped, making her stop as well and look back at me; "What's wrong?" she asked. I gave her a confused look; "What do you mean 'I can be with you again'?" I asked. She sighed, giving me a pitiful look; "Skye, you're in the hospital right now're beginning to let go." My eyes widened, and I ripped my hand out, backing away; "No, no I can't be dying, I'm sorry," I said, turning and walking away. "Skye, wait!" My mom came up next to me, stepping in front of me; "Don't you want to see me again? To see Cole again?" I clenched my jaw, shrugging her off of me; "Don't play that card on me, Mom. You know I can't leave Uncle Hank," I said. She was silent for a second; "Is it because of Uncle Hank...or someone else?" I sighed, turning away and crossing my arms; "Like a...certain android?" I clenched my fists, closing my eyes and sighing again.

" don't know what love is, you've never been in a relationship before. You're still young - " I cut her off. "So let me live! Let me wake up and experience all of that! Meeting someone, falling in love, getting married, having a family!" I protested. "You can't have a family with android," she told me. I rolled my eyes; "How do you think Uncle Hank raised me and Cole? Adoption!" Mom sighed, shaking her head, but I continued; "Why can't I just decide something for myself for once in my damn life?! Everyone around me always do things for me because they think I can't do it myself! Well I didn't ask for anybody's help and I don't want it! If I can do something myself then I'll damn well do it! And if I'm going to live, then for fuck's sake I'M GOING TO LIVE!!" I ran forward, and with a yell I charged through my mother, and everything suddenly went black.


The first sensation I felt was pain. It felt like everything in my upper body was sore - the top of my abdomen, my chest, and my throat. I forced my eyes open, blinking a couple of times; there were no lights on in the room I was in, and I attempted to look around but I could barely move. There were tubes stuck in my arm, coming out of my...throat and chest?! "Skye..?" I almost jumped at the sudden voice, and I turned as much as I could to see someone sitting in a chair next to me. "Skye, it's me...Connor?" The heart monitor suddenly went off as I tried sitting up, but he gently held me down, placing his hand on my arm. "Don't move, Skye, I'll go get the doctor right away," he said as he stood up, and rushed out of the room. What just happened? A few minutes later, a doctor and 2 nurses came in the room with Connor being pushed out. What the hell..?

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