Chapter 6

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Friday November 5th 2038 - 11:10 pm

"You sure you locked the door?" I looked over at Uncle Hank as he got in the passenger seat of his car. "Obviously I did," I muttered, starting the car and backing out of the driveway faster than he expected. "I swear, one day you're going to total this car," he huffed, leaning back in his chair as we started down the street. I didn't answer that, instead I just flexed the fingers on my left hand, then focused on the road ahead. It was a ritual for us, ever since I turned 18, that we went out drinking together, and that was a little over a year ago. I pulled up into the parking lot of Jimmy's Bar in 7 minutes, thanks to my fast driving, and I parked the car, looking over at Uncle Hank. He had a look of slight fear and shock on his face, making me smirk a little before stepping out of the car with him, locking it.

I tossed him the keys and walked through the door, hearing the little bell go off; "The Andersons back at it again," the owner, Jimmy, called from behind the bar. "You know it," I called back, and sat down at a bar stool with Uncle Hank. Jimmy handed us both our usuals, plain scotch, and Uncle Hank turned to watch the TV while I drank silently. I swirled my glass, watching the golden liquid roll around before I downed it and called for another one. The door opened again, and a couple of us turned to see who entered; I nearly jumped up from my seat when I saw the glowing LED on the android's temple as it looked around at all of us. "What is it?" Uncle Hank muttered, sipping at his glass. "Fucking android," I hissed, lowering my head. I heard it slowly walk through the bar, stopping every so often to look around, like it was scanning for something.

When it stopped behind Uncle Hank and I, I tensed when I felt its eyes burn into the back of my head, and it took a hell of a lot to not turn around and rip its head off. "Lieutenant Anderson?" You've got to be kidding me.... "My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife," the android greeted. "I looked for you at the station, but nobody knew where you were. They said you were probably having a drink nearby - I was lucky to find you at the fifth bar, but not alone it seems." I turned to glare at it when it looked at me, but it paid no attention to my hostility. "What the hell do you want?" Uncle Hank muttered, not looking at him. "You were assigned a case early this evening. A homicide, involving a Cyberlife android," it told us. I scoffed; "Would you fucking look at that," I spat, sipping at my glass. "Look at what?"

I looked back at the android, who was giving me a confused head tilt like a dog, but I just shook my head and looked away. "In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators," it continued. "Well, I don't need any assistance, specially not from a plastic asshole like you. I have it right here," Uncle Hank said, nudging me. "Oh, I wasn't aware you already had a partner," the android said. "It doesn't concern you who the hell I am, stupid piece of plastic," I hissed, downing my drink before slamming the glass down. "Hey whoa, be careful there, Anderson," Jimmy told me. "Well sorry, I'm not used to being interrogated when I go out to relax," I snapped, slouching. "Just be a good little robot and get the fuck out of here," Uncle Hank said, not once meeting the android's gaze.

"I understand that some people are not comfortable in the presence of androids, but I am - " Uncle Hank cut him off. "I am perfectly comfortable, it's my niece here that isn't. Now back off before she crushes you like an empty beer can," he warned, making me smirk. You got that right.... "Listen, I think you should stop drinking and come with me, perhaps even bring your niece here along with us. It'll make life easier for all of us," it said, trying to reason. Uncle Hank just nodded, ignoring him as he continued to drink. "You know what? I'll buy you both one for the road, what do you say?" it said. I looked over at my uncle, meeting his gaze for a second before looking down again. "Bartender, the same again please! For both of them," it called to Jimmy, placing money on the counter.

I scoffed; "The wonderful uses of technology these days. Make it a double," I said. Jimmy came over and poured us both another drink; I clinked glasses with Uncle Hank before we both downed our drinks together. He then turned to the android, taking a deep breath; "Did you say homicide?" The android actually smiled before walking forward and heading towards the door with Uncle Hank following. "And me?" I asked, hurrying after them. "Do I just go home?" Uncle Hank shook his head; "Hell no, you're not going home alone at night," he said, opening the passenger door for me, and I sat down. The android sat in the back seat while Uncle Hank got in the driver's seat, turning on the car and blasting the radio as we drove off to the crime scene.


Friday November 5th 2038 - 11:40 pm

We finally pulled up at the scene, and I looked out the window to see cops and reporters all over the house. Once I finally looked at the house though, my eyes widened and my heart rate sped up; "U-Uncle Hank..." I whispered, scooting away. He turned to look at the house and sighed, looking away when he recognized it. "You don't have to come in with me, Skye, you can stay here," he told me. I shook my head, looking down in my lap; ", it's okay. I know this house better than anyone," I whispered, forcing a smirk and unlocking my door. Uncle Hank sighed, then turned back to the android; "You wait here, we won't be here long," he said. "Whatever you say, Lieutenant," it replied. "Fucking-A, whatever I say," Uncle Hank muttered, then got out with me. Once we did step out, we were instantly surrounded by reporters.

"Joss Douglas for Channel 16, can you confirm that this is a homicide?!" he demanded, shoving a microphone, cameras, and lights in our faces, making me scowl. "I'm not confirming anything," Uncle Hank muttered, and pushed passed them through the police tape hologram. "Androids are not permitted beyond this point!" an officer declared. I turned back to see the android had followed us, but was stopped at the police tape, giving the officer another confused head tilt. "It's with us," I called, then turned away as it joined us. "What part of 'stay in the car' didn't you understand?" Uncle Hank snapped. "Your order contradicted my instructions, Lieutenant," it replied simply. Uncle Hank just groaned in annoyance; "You don't talk, you don't touch anything, and you stay out of my way, got it?" he ordered. "Got it."

We turned away, heading towards the front door; "Evening, Hank. Good to see you, Skye," an officer greeted. I just forced a smile; "We started to think you weren't going to show," he said, shaking hands with us. "Yah that was the plan until this asshole found us," Uncle Hank replied, looking back at the android. The officer gave it a long look; " yourselves an android?" he said slowly. I scoffed, rolling my eyes as the 3 of us followed the officer inside.

*Connor's p.o.v.*

The Lieutenant is an interesting human, as well as his niece. The two were very...restricted people, and rather hostile towards me, more so with the female human, Skye. She seemed to hold a much more aggressive nature than her uncle, especially when addressing me or being in my presence. Her reaction to observing the crime scene was also rather peculiar, as if she knows something and isn't saying. I would question her about it, but it is highly unlikely it would result in any answers being given. I followed behind her inside the house, and she instantly gagged at the scent of rotting flesh; "Fucking christ, that smell!" I tilted my head in curiosity at her choice of words - such strong language for a young woman. "Was even worse before we opened the windows," the other officer told her. We all approached the body, which was slouched up against the wall, gray and decaying.

"The victim's name was Carlos Ortiz, he has a record for theft and aggravated assault." I heard Skye scoff, looking away from the body; "Wouldn't be the first time I heard something like that," she mumbled, then wandered into the kitchen. I wonder what she means by that? I listened in to the briefing as I quietly followed her, observing her behaviour as she cautiously looked around the kitchen, eyeing the broken wall, empty knife slot, and knocked over furniture. But her eyes held a distant look to them, like she wasn't really looking at her surroundings, but like she was looking through them - the way she stopped for a moment and chewed her bottom lip when she stared at the kitchen area, then over into the living room. Perhaps she has been here before? Her sudden speech startled me; "What the fuck are you following me around for, tin can?" she spat.

She shoved passed me to go back into the living room. I didn't reply, instead just watched her as she stood next to her uncle, finding the missing knife next to the victim and pointing it out to the others. She was an intriguing character, her and Lieutenant Anderson. Perhaps I can eventually find out more about them.

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