Chapter 13

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"You know it's dangerous, right?"

"I figured."

"Which means you could get hurt."

"Again, I figured."

"You just need to be careful."

"I think I'll be just fine." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Uncle Hank - he is DEFINITELY not one to talk about being careful. Connor stood between the two of us as he played with a coin, flicking and spinning it on his fingertips and rolling it across his knuckles. I couldn't help but watch as he did all of those tricks without even looking, he was just staring off into space as we went up the elevator to the top floor of the Stratford Tower. After that android's speech, I just had to tag along and see what happened, it was too big of an opportunity to sit out. He flicked it over to his other hand when Uncle Hank suddenly grabbed it. "You're starting to piss me off with that coin, Connor," he hissed, pocketing the coin. Connor looked back at the door, looking somewhat bothered; "Sorry, Lieutenant," he mumbled, and even I could hear the hurt tone.

We finally stopped at the 79th floor, which is where the broadcast room is located. We walked out to see a bunch of cops roaming around; "Shit, what's going on here? There was a party and nobody told me about it?" Uncle Hank muttered, looking around. One officer answered him; "Yah, it's all over the news, so everybody's butting their nose in - even the FBI wants a piece of the action." Both Uncle Hank and I groaned in annoyance; I may not be a cop, but I've seen enough TV shows and movies to know that FBI agents are assholes. Connor and I followed Uncle Hank and the cop as he was briefed on what happened; I fell in step with Connor. "Do you think this is going to be another case of 'the deviant is still here'?" I asked in a teasing tone. He just smiled; "Well I won't know until I've assessed the evidence. There were 4 androids who were here, one of them had to have messed up."

I nodded in agreement as we entered the broadcast room, seeing a man standing in the middle of the room. "Oh Lieutenant, this is Special Agent Perkins from the FBI. Lieutenant Anderson is in charge of investigating for Detroit Police," the cop said, directing the last part to Perkins. He turned to face us, then gave Connor a disgusted look; "What's that?" he asked. I glared at him, feeling a surge of instant anger towards him; "My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife," he introduced casually. Perkins scoffed; "Androids investigating androids, huh? You sure you want an android hanging around? After everything that happened..." He gazed over at me, a smug smirk on his face; I started forward, my fist clenched, but Connor put his arm out in front of me to block me. "Whatever, the FBI will take over the investigation, you'll soon be off the case."

Uncle Hank just scoffed; "Pleasure meeting you, have a nice day," he spat, then turned to leave. "And you watch your step - don't fuck up my crime scene." The urge to kill has never been so high... "Your stress levels are slowly rising, Skye, do you need to step outside to calm down?" Connor asked. "No, I need a shotgun aimed right at Perkins' head," I hissed, crossing my arms. "I don't think that will be possible, but I'll see what I can do." I couldn't help but blush at his sarcastic reply, hiding my smile. Connor then walked over to the big screen, pressing a button on the panel, which played the android's speech again. I looked up at the screen as he spoke, and I noticed, if I looked really close, he had two different coloured eyes - 1 blue, 1 green. "His eyes would be a good clue to look for if he would be out in the street," I commented, looking up at Connor.

He just nodded; "Maybe he's ra9, now that I think of it," I continued. "Deviants say ra9 will set them free - this android seems to have that objective." I nodded, watching as he analyzed the android's face; "I identified its model and serial number," he said simply, then turned away without another word, making me sigh and follow behind him. There were bullet holes all along the wall on either side of the room, an obvious indication that the androids were packing some heat, and the bullet holes led all the way to the door to the roof. "That's blue blood, right?" I asked, pointing to a splash of blue on the wall. Connor turned to where I was pointing and nodded, walking over to it and sampling it; "An android was shot, model PL600," he concluded. I looked around the room for any other signs of blue blood; "Jesus, they redecorated this place with bullet holes. How many people were here?" I muttered.

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