Chapter 3

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Saturday September 23rd 2029 9:18 pm

"So, how was your first day being 10?" I giggled at Uncle Hank, blushing shyly. "It was really fun, Jesse and Bryan across the street played all kinds of games with me and made me win all of them," I said. "And their parents sung me happy birthday and bought me a muffin, too!" He smiled, handing me another piece of my little birthday cake he bought me while he sat down next to me with his own. "That was nice of them, did you say thank you?" he asked. I nodded, digging into my dessert; Sumo came trotting over with his tongue hanging out, and he plopped himself down in front of me, eyeing my cake with wide, expectant eyes. I giggled again; "You can't have this, Sumo," I said, poking his nose. He just whined and licked his lips, shifting a little as he waited to be given the sweet treat. I shook my head and tried my best to ignore him; "How've you been sleeping lately?" Uncle Hank asked.

I stopped, lowering my fork back down to my plate and swallowing the piece I had in my mouth. "Okay, I guess..." I mumbled with a shrug. Uncle Hank sighed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders; "You have to be honest with me, Skye," he said gently. I sighed, looking up at him; "I'm too scared to fall asleep sometimes..." I confessed quietly, looking down. Uncle Hank sighed again, setting his plate down on the small coffee table and looking down at me; "Do you want to talk about it? I won't grill you with questions like that idiot shrink, so if you want to stop you can," he told me. I just nodded, setting my plate down too, watching carelessly as Sumo went to lick it clean:

"I just...I just keep remembering Andrew's face, that...that creepy smile he had after parents...." I bit my lip, trying to hold back the stinging tears. "It was like he enjoyed it, he's been craving to do it for the longest time. I always thought Andrew was nice....he was a good android and he always took care of me, but....the way he just...jumped at the chance to hurt someone really...REALLY scared me. Not too mention Dad was...well he was just his angry self, and he took it out on me and Mom." I sighed, stopping for a minute to recompose myself. "I'm just really scared.... I don't like being outside or around people.... except for you, Jesse and Bryan's family, obviously. And I especially don't like being around those dumb androids...."

I finally quieted down, slowly twiddling my thumbs as I bit my lip again. Uncle Hank patted my shoulder, pulling me into his side; "You don't have to be scared, you know. Not all people are so bad, and androids - well, fuck them." I giggled quietly, smirking a little; "You'll learn one day how to hold your head high, with a big proud smile on your face and be able to say 'fuck you' to the world. Or send Sumo to bite them in the ass," he said, pinching my cheek a little. I finally broke out a small smile, lightly nuzzling into Uncle Hank's arms. "Thanks," I muttered shyly. Just then, the doorbell went off, making Sumo go crazy and begin to bark while he spun in circles. "Who the hell can that be at this hour?" Uncle Hank mumbled as he stood up from the couch. He went over to the door, looking through the peep hole before grumbling out, "The fuck kind of prank is this?"

He opened the door, prepared to speak when his jaw dropped, and he stared down at the ground. "What's wrong, Uncle Hank?" I called, getting off the couch. He knelt down, picking something up in his arms before stepping back in the house and kicking the door closed. A basket...? He walked over into the living room, setting the blue basket down next to me, and I gasped when I saw what it held - a baby...? There was a note on the baby's tummy, and Uncle Hank picked it up to read it; he wandered around the living room, reading quietly while I inched over to the sleeping child. He had his head turned to one side, his arms up next to his head and his legs moving ever so slightly in his sleep. "He's so small, Uncle Hank - and all pink, too," I commented. I reached out with a tentative hand, gently poking his tiny hand and unwrapping his little curled fingers.

He suddenly shifted, letting out a small whimper as he moved his arms and legs, and I froze. His eyes slowly opened, blinking a couple of times as he let out a big yawn, and he turned to look at me. I tilted my head a little to the side as the baby smiled at me, his toothless gums revealed. I couldn't help but smile back, and it widened even more when his tiny hand closed around my finger. "Hi..." I cooed. He stuck one finger in his mouth, nibbling at it as he giggled, drooling a little; I let go out of his hand and took a corner of his blanket, cleaning his chin delicately. He kicked out with his leg and babbled, making me jump back in surprise, but then he went right back to giggling at me. I turned back to see where Uncle Hank went, and I was surprised to see him leaning on the kitchen table, watching me while holding the letter loosely in hand.

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