Chapter 20

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Thursday December 16th 2038 - 3:04 am

I've been sat up on the roof all night after all my failed attempts at sleeping. Connor explained to me that he would now be staying with Uncle Hank and I ever since the revolution, and of course I was happy. He told me that the city of Detroit had been evacuated, and the whole state was given up to androids, except for the few humans who didn't want to leave. "Something came in the mail for you, too," he had told me. He had handed me a letter, and when I saw the name 'Alice' on the envelope, I had torn it open to read the letter:

"Hi, Skye, it's Alice! I asked Kara and Luther if it was okay if I wrote a letter to you, and they said yes! Oh yah, we found Luther! He was captured with another android and we saved him! There was this human friend we met at the border, her name is Rose, and she invited us to stay with her and her brother, who lives in Ontario. That's in Canada, we made it over the border! I hope one day we can see each other again, I really want to get to know you, and you're really pretty! - Alice"

She had drawn a picture on the letter of her holding hands with Luther and Kara, and in the envelope was an actual picture of them. They were sat on a couch with Alice sitting in both of their laps, looking happier than ever. As long as they're safe.... As reassuring as that was, it didn't help me forget about tonight. It was kind of hard, knowing that a part of my life was wasted because I was trying to fight for it - and I nearly lost.... I heard my window open, and I looked down to see Connor poking his head out, looking up at me. "What are you doing up there?" he called softly. I shrugged; "Just thinking." I heard him sigh, and soon enough he hopped up next to me on the roof, lying back down and taking me with him. I curled up into his side, leaning my head on his shoulder as he draped his arm around my waist. "Does it feel different?" he asked curiously.

"What, having a pump regulator instead of a human heart?" He nodded, and I just shrugged; "Well...I don't have a pulse anymore, and I can feel where the wires connect with all of my arteries and veins and whatnot if I really focus on it. Other than that...I feel normal," I said honestly. It was silent after that for a few minutes, the two of us just looking up at the sky feeling completely at ease. " explain something to me?" he then asked. I nodded, looking up at him; "I tried asking the Lieutenant, but it felt too...embarrassing, I think?" I giggled, nodding for him to go on; "Anyways, can...can you explain what love feels like..?" I gave him a surprised look as he waited patiently; I sat up a little, propping myself up on my elbow. "Well...I don't think there's an actual explanation, it's just something that...feels right, I guess," I replied. He tilted his head in curiosity, making me bite my lip; "Elaborate?"

I thought for a minute before thinking up of the best definition possible:

"When you love someone, you want nothing but the best for them. You feel like they deserve everything in the world because to you, they're worth it. When they're happy, you're happy. When they're sad, you're sad. You crave to see them again, hold them and kiss them. You worry over them, you help them with everything, you'd do anything for them because...they mean that much to you. And because they mean so much to you, you'd do whatever you possibly can to show them that you care about them and that they are your top priority."

His LED was yellow the whole time as he listened to me, and it then went back to blue once I finished. "I see..." he said, leaning on his elbow, too, so he was eye level with me. His hand came to rest on my cheek, his thumb gently caressing my skin; "In that case..." My eyes widened in shock as he said, "I think...I-I think I love you, Skye...." If I had a heart, it would have actually exploded out of my chest at the overwhelming feeling of joy. I held his hand, turning it and kissing his palm; "You know..." I began. "The first day I met you, I wanted nothing more than for you to leave me alone, and yet you did the exact opposite." He blushed shyly, his face tinting blue which made me smile. "The more you hung around, the more I wanted to hit you over the head with a chair." That made him giggle, and he smiled in amusement. "Yet...when you weren't around, I felt...alone. Almost like I was missing something..."

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