Chapter 16

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Wednesday November 10th 2038 - 7:31 pm

"Where the hell do we go now?" I hissed to Luther. We've been on the run for one full day, and currently we were hiding on the outskirts of the city, seeing dozens of soldiers patrolling the streets. "There's an abandoned church not too far from here, I can get you there," he told me. "And what about you?" I countered, looking back at him. "I promised Kara and Alice I'd meet them at the border to Canada, I can't leave them," he told me. We hurried across the street, disappearing down another alley as Luther took the lead. "How do you know they didn't go to the same place? Maybe they're taking shelter there before they set off again," I told him as we turned onto a vacant street, jogging down the sidewalk. "Knowing Kara, she wouldn't want to stop. She'd do whatever she can to protect Alice," he explained. I frowned; "Come with me to the church anyway. It can't hurt to see if they stopped there," I insisted.

Luther sighed, looking back to see the hopeful look on my face. "Alright, but we need to hurry," he said. We turned the corner of the street but froze when 4 soldiers suddenly appeared, guns up and aimed at us. "RUN, SKYE!!" Luther yelled, charging the soldiers and taking one out. "Where do I go?!" I yelled back, diving behind a car as he used the first dead soldier as a shield. "Down that street! Turn at the first right and it should be there!" he told me, crushing the skull of a second soldier and throwing the 3rd into a wall. I had no choice but to run across the street, looking back to see he had taken care of all 4 soldiers, but more surrounded him, forcing him to surrender. I sighed, hurrying down the side street and looking out for the right turn; "You!" I froze, whipping around to see 2 female androids, one with blue hair and another with brown. "Do you know a place where we can hide?" the blue haired one asked.

I nodded, but furrowed my brows; "Why are you trusting a human for help?" I asked. "We saw you running with that android earlier. You would have killed him if you were like the other humans," the brown haired girl replied. I shrugged - fair enough. "He gave me directions to a nearby abandoned church, it shouldn't be too far," I told them, and led the way. "I'm Skye, by the way," I added, looking back at them. "We're Traci." I arched a brow; "You're both named Traci?" I asked. The blue haired Traci nodded; "We used to androids, so the humans gave all of us the same name," she replied. I couldn't help but smile; "You must be the deviants who got away from Uncle Hank and Connor a few nights ago," I mumbled, but they didn't hear me as we turned on the first right. "That should be it, right?" brown haired Traci asked, pointing down the street.

I looked ahead, and indeed there was an old, run-down church at the end of this alleyway. "Well I hope it is," I said, and the 3 of us ran forward. We stopped at the sidewalk, checking both ways to make sure no soldier or patrol car was around before running. I skipped up the steps, pushing open one door; "Come on!" I hissed, beckoning them forward. They raced inside, and I closed the door behind me, sighing in relief. I turned around to face the two girls, but instantly gasped - every android that was on the Jericho ship was held up in the church, and all eyes were on us when we entered. I saw Markus appear around the alter, and he smiled a little when he saw me; "It's good to see you alive," he said, dipping his head to the Traci girls as they passed. "I found them right before I came here. I was with another android and he told me to come here for shelter, but he got captured," I told him.

I gave him a serious look, taking his arm when he turned to leave. "You can trust me, you know. I wouldn't have killed to protect you guys if I wanted to give you all away. I mean for god's sake I actually killed humans for androids," I told him. He gave me a long look, then placed his hand on mine, squeezing it a little. "I trust you, Skye." I smiled in relief, and he walked away; I advanced timidly, trying to avoid the looks from the other androids as I looked for familiar faces. I spotted North sitting on a bench alone, and I grinned when I saw Alice and Kara huddled together. "Kara!" I called, jogging over to her. She looked up at me in shock as I stopped in front of them; "Where's Luther?" she asked. I sighed; "I saved him back in Jericho before soldiers could get to him, but he got captured taking me here. I'm sorry," I told her. "It's okay. As long as he's alive, right Kara?" Alice spoke up, looking to Kara.

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