Chapter 2

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Tuesday August 24 2027 - 4:28 pm

I sat on my bed, my knees hugged to my chest while I looked out the window. It was a rainy day today, which only made my mood worse; I had another nightmare last night, about....Daddy, and Andrew. I've had them ever since it happened, and Uncle Hank would almost always spend his nights sleeping in my bed to calm me down. I felt bad for him, I was nothing but some burden for him that he needed to do extra work for, and that only made my mood even worse. I really love my Uncle Hank, but I don't want to bother him anymore; I slowly got off my bed, moving over to my small pink bag, and I started to fill it with a couple of shirts and pants, then some underwear and socks. Once I was done, I zipped it up and left my room, walking down the hallway, but I stopped when I heard yelling from the kitchen.

"What the hell do you mean, you won't take her?! What kind of fucking shrink are you?" ...shrink? "I don't care if you have a tight schedule, make some time!" I looked down at the floor, my bottom lip quivering - he was sending me away.... He really doesn't want me around... "Finally, thank you!" He sighed, and I saw him throw his phone on the couch; "Fuckin useless..." I sniffled rather loudly, and I wiped my nose; "Skye?" Uncle Hank walked over to the hallway, stopping when he saw me holding my bag and crying. "Hey whoa, where do you think you're going?" he asked, standing in front of me. I sniffled again, my shoulders shaking a little as I kept looking at the ground; "I...I-I felt bad t-that you had take care of me a-and have me take up your time and b-bothering you...s-so I wanted to go away, and now you're s-sending me away to t-this shrink..." I mumbled, closing my eyes.

"Where the hell did that come from, kid? Who said you were taking up my time?" He knelt down in front of me, taking my bag off my shoulder and setting it down next to him. "I never said you were bothering me, and I'm sure as hell never going to send you away, kid. I got you a shrink to help you, so you can talk to him about your nightmares." I sniffled again, slowly looking up at him as he placed his hand on my cheek. "You're my kid now, Skye. I'm not going to give up on you, all I want is for you to feel better, okay?" he told me. I nodded, looking down again; he pulled me into his chest and hugged me, making sure he didn't squeeze me. "I'm going to make sure you get as much help as I can give you, okay? Your sessions start next Wednesday with the therapist."


Wednesday September 1st 2027 - 3:00 pm

"Skye Anderson?"

I looked up from swinging my legs when a pretty lady called my name. "Dr. West will see you now." Uncle Hank stood up, beckoning me to follow, and I hopped off the chair to jog after him. He held open the door for me, and I timidly walked in, not looking at the therapist that gave me an unblinking stare. "Good afternoon, Mr. Anderson," he greeted, shaking hands with Uncle Hank. He looked down to me, a small yet forced smile on his face; "Ms. Anderson." I just looked down, jumping in Uncle Hank's lap and curling up into him. "No need to be afraid, little one. I'm here to help you," Dr. West told me. I looked over at him, then down at my hands; "Your uncle says that you've been having some really scary nightmares - about when your parents were killed." I flinched, holding onto Uncle Hank's jacket a little tighter; "Can you tell me about them? You don't have to tell me everything if it's too much for you," he told me slowly, ending with another forced smile. I swallowed nervously, looking up at Uncle Hank, and he nodded at me to speak:

"Daddy...was really mean to me and Mommy. He would...yell at us names...hurt us.... Mommy would try to tell me it was just his job...or he was stressed, and that everything will be okay by tomorrow. But it never only got worse....a-and our android...Andrew, he would help me. Make me happy again and laugh and...forget about what Daddy did to me. I thought he was....just following his program - he was our housekeeper, and he had to take care of me. But....Uncle Hank told me that Andrew was...o-or had...a different intention...with me...."

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