Chapter 4

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Saturday September 23rd 2035 - 12:13 pm

"Look at you, all grown up already. Jesus, I feel old." I giggled shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Go on Daddy, take the picture! I want cake!" I looked down, smiling at an excited Cole as he bounced on the spot. "Alright big guy, stand still," I said, wrapping my arm around his shoulders. Uncle Hank smiled at the two of us, then held up his camera; "Say cheese!" We both smiled wide as he snapped the picture, then Cole broke out from under my arms and took off into the kitchen. I just laughed at him, shaking my head when Uncle Hank came up to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and having me look at him; "You two grew up so fast...6 and 15 already," he said, looking down at me. I just smiled, leaning into him as Cole stared at our cake, drooling almost like Sumo; Uncle Hank kissed the top of my head before joining Cole at the table.

I hurried after him, sitting down next to my little brother, ruffling his short brown hair which made him squeal and bat my hands away. Ever since Uncle Hank decided to raise Cole with me, it's like my mood just suddenly changed, like a switch was flipped. I felt happier, smiled a little more, and slept a little better each night. Uncle Hank noticed that, too, and I could tell how relieved he was that I was beginning to get better. I still hated androids with a fucking passion, and I don't like being around people either, but Cole somehow made me start to break out of my protective little shell. He became the little brother I was never able to have, and I loved him more than anything in this world, even more than myself and maybe even Uncle Hank and Sumo. I looked down to see he already had cake all over his face and was on to his second piece, making me laugh.

"Someone was hungry," I teased, taking a napkin and cleaning his face. He just grinned at me all innocently and continued to eat; I looked up at Uncle Hank expectantly, and he nodded at me. "You know, Cole, there's this new zoo opening up next month." I nearly choked on my food laughing when he froze and gasped loudly, and Uncle Hank laughed at us. "Did you just say...the zoo...?" he echoed, looking up at me with wide blue eyes. I nodded, pushing my plate aside; "Hell yah buddy, October 11," I replied. He nearly exploded out of his chair, jumping like a madman; "CAN WE GO?!?! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DADDY!!!" he yelled, begging. "Yes, we're going! Now sit down before you break a hole through the floor," Uncle Hank laughed, and Cole immediately sat down, and a big grin on his face. He jumped in my lap and hugged me tightly, making me smile; "Thank you, Skye," he whispered, reaching up to kiss me on the cheek.

My smile widened, and I kissed the top of his head; "No problem, little buddy."


Thursday October 11 2035 - 1:15 pm

"Are we there yet?"

"Not yet."

"What about now?"

"No, Cole."

"...and now?"

"Jesus Cole, you're going to explode."

The little boy in the backseat giggled happily, making me look back at him for a second. "We'll be there before you know it, little buddy, don't you worry," I said, looking back at the front. Uncle Hank scoffed, looking back at Cole through the rearview mirror; "I swear kid, you listen to her more than me," he grumbled, smirking. Cole giggled again and I smiled innocently, looking up when our light was red, and Uncle Hank pulled up to a stop. "Can we go see the lions first?! Wait no, the polar bears!! No, no, I want to see the giraffes!!" Cole rambled. "We'll go see whatever you want, kid," Uncle Hank told him. The light turned green, and Uncle Hank continued forward behind another car when it suddenly sped off, definitely way over the speed limit, making him groan. "For christ's sake," he muttered, preparing to chase them.

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