Chapter 18

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*Connor's p.o.v.* Friday November 12th 2038 - 12:17 am

"Connor, what happened?!" Markus ran over to me, kneeling down when he saw Skye's condition. "She was shot back at the Cyberlife Tower. She's losing blood fast, I need to get her to a hospital!" I told him. I grabbed his shoulder, making him look at me; "Please, help me save her," I pleaded. He sighed, nodding once; he gathered her up in his arms, standing up and turning to North. "There's something I need to do, stay here with everyone. I won't be long," he told her. "Is she okay?!" North demanded, looking at Skye in shock. "She's hurt and she's bleeding out, she needs to get to a hospital," Markus replied. He turned me, and the two of us jumped off the crate, taking off down the street; "The nearest hospital is 7 minutes away, follow me!" I called, sprinting as fast as I could as we came up on the first right turn. "This way!"

We raced down the empty street, dodging and leaping over abandoned cars and ignoring any passing civilians or soldiers. At the end of this street was the entrance to a freeway, and lucky for us there were no soldiers or evacuating humans to block us. "We need to hurry up and cross this freeway, or she'll never make it!" Markus called, falling in step with me. "Then we need to go faster!" I yelled back. I sped off as fast as I could possibly go, with Markus racing alongside me, holding a tight grip on Skye. We finally made it to the end of the freeway, much to our relief; "Down this street!" I said, turning left. I turned left again, racing forward to the entrance of the hospital and ushering Markus inside. "HELP!! WE NEED HELP!!" he yelled. "SOMEONE HELP US!! SHE'S GOING TO DIE!!" I called. 3 nurses suddenly came jogging down the hall, looking up at us in surprise when they realized we were androids.

"Please, you need to help her. She was shot approximately an hour ago and has lost a pint of blood, maybe 2," I told them. They just nodded, and a doctor appeared with a stretcher, allowing Markus to lie her down; "Do you need me to stay with you?" he asked. I shook my head; "It's okay, I'll reach out to her uncle," I told him. He nodded, and turned to leave when I took his arm; "Thank you, Markus. For everything." He sent me a smile, dipping his head, then left the hospital; I jogged after the nurses, quickly contacting Lieutenant Anderson's home line.


"Lieutenant, it's me, Connor!"

"Connor? What the hell are you calling me for?"

"It's Skye, she collapsed from blood loss! I took her to the nearest hospital, Children's Hospital of Michigan!"

"Jesus christ, why does she never listen? Okay, okay, I'm on my way."

He hung up the phone as Skye was wheeled into an emergency room, but a nurse stopped me. "She needs emergency surgery, you can't go in there," he told me. I glared at him; "I need to see her! I need to know if she's okay!" I demanded, trying to look over him. "Sir, please calm down. She is still alive but she is very weak and in desperate need of a blood transfusion. Do you know her blood type?" he asked. I looked over to her through the window, scanning her vitals; "Blood type A+," I said. The nurse nodded; "Thank you, please wait outside," he said, pointing to a chair. "But - " He cut me off. "Sir, the longer we stand out here arguing, the less help she will get!" he snapped. I sighed, looking at her on the operating table through the window, and I reluctantly backed up, allowing the nurse to close the door. I watched him walk over to the window and pulled the curtains shut, making me sigh.

I fell back in the chair, hiding my face in my hands as I sat in silence. I let out shaky breaths, trying to calm myself down as I felt my pump regulator beat faster. "Why didn't I act sooner..." I mumbled. I heard someone rush in, and I looked up to see the Lieutenant hurry over to me; "Where is she?!" he demanded. I looked up at him, and his face fell when he saw the state I was in, tears streaking down my face. "I should have let you take her to the hospital sooner...I should never have let her come with me to the Tower, I...I-I just wanted her to be safe..." I whispered, looking down. "If she's my fault...." The Lieutenant sighed, and he pulled up a chair next to me, sitting down. "Now listen here, kid," he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. He pulled me a little closer, making me lean on his shoulder as I looked down at the floor as he spoke:

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