Chapter 15

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"Where did you learn to steal a car?" I asked teasingly, looking over at Connor. He just rolled his eyes; "That's not important right now." I just giggled, looking back out on the road; "What's going to happen when we get to this Jericho place?" I asked curiously. He was silent for a couple of minutes; "Well...the objective is to take down Markus," he replied. I sighed, looking down; "But maybe that can change?" Connor shifted in his seat, staying silent, so I turned to him; "You know you're changing, Connor. You even said it yourself you're starting to feel," I said gently. He just sighed, closing his eyes for a second before reopening them. "I don't know what to focus on anymore, Skye. But maybe this visit to Jericho will help me make up my mind," he told me. I sat back in my seat, looking out my window. "I just hope you make the right decision."

We finally stopped on a random road, abandoning the car and walking over to a wall covered in graffiti. "And what are we doing here?" I asked, looking up at him. He was looking down at a picture on his hand; "The way to Jericho can only be found by an android - follow me and do as I say," he instructed. I nodded once, and the 2 of us set off.


"This is the last time I ever come with you on a nighttime adventure that includes this much climbing," I growled, walking up a set of stairs in an abandoned building. "This has only been the first time," Connor teased, looking back at me. "Yah, and the ONLY time," I snapped. He rolled his eyes, nudging me; "Come on, don't pout," he said as we walked out onto a ledge. I just huffed, looking out at the Jericho and the huge gap between us; "How are we going to get over there?" I asked. He thought for a minute, crossing his arms; "I could always throw you over there." I panned over to him with a glare, making him grin and laugh at me. That's something I could get used to hearing.... "Alright, let's look around," he said, and I followed. "Couldn't we just head down to the street and get inside from there?" I asked. He stopped, thinking for a second before he shrugged; "To the street we go."

It didn't take long to get back down to the street, and I followed Connor as he found his way into Jericho. "Now where do we go?" I asked. "You ask more questions than a child, Skye," Connor muttered. "Oh shush, things wouldn't be the same without me around here," I scoffed, holding my chin up proudly. He didn't answer, but instead his LED flashed again; he stopped at a door, leaning closer to hear muffled talking from the other side. "This must be where they're hiding, let's go," he said, and opened the door. There were HUNDREDS of androids either walking around or sitting in groups, talking; I looked up, seeing a whole other level filled with even more androids who were watching the news on a big screen. "Jesus christ..." I whispered, swallowing nervously. "Stay close to me, I'm sure these androids won't take kindly to a human walking among them," Connor told me, taking my hand.

"Well, I'm not FULLY human you know, I'd like to think of myself as a cyborg," I said. "I think I'm starting to experience the feeling of annoyance," Connor teased as we weaved our way through the crowd. I scoffed, slapping his arm; "Excuse you, I'm a delight!" He just laughed, heading towards a staircase; a female android suddenly grabbed his arm, and what I thought was her hair was actually wires and cables coming out of her exposed head, and her eyes were pitch black. "You're lost," she told him, her voice coming out broken. "You're looking for something." She tilted her head, pulling away as she stared up at him. "You're looking for yourself." She turned to me, the veins under her eyes appearing more prominent the longer she stared. With that, she wandered away, disappearing into the crowd; "That was odd..." I muttered, watching her leave.

I turned back, prepared to follow him up the stairs when something caught my attention - a child...? "Wait, Connor," I hissed, pulling him back. "What is it? We have no time to waste," he said, looking back at me. "Then go and find Markus without me, there's something I want to check out," I said, letting go of his hand. "Skye, it's dangerous here for you," he protested. I looked back at him with a sharp gaze; "I can take care of myself, you know," I hissed. He sighed, prepared to say something when I cut him off; "But I'll be careful." He smiled in relief, then stepped closer to me; I would have questioned him if I wasn't shocked by the feeling of his lips on my cheek. "I don't know why, but I felt like that was appropriate," he whispered, then hurried up the stairs. I blushed madly as I turned away, going over to where I saw the child; I stopped when I saw the most gigantic android I've ever seen standing next to her.

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