Chapter 5

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Thursday October 11 2035 - 8:00 pm

I let out a quiet groan, my eyelids slowly cracking open and seeing nothing but darkness. I blinked slowly a couple of times, trying to wake myself up, but everything around me was still dark. Is something covering my eyes..? I reached up, carefully touching my face so I didn't poke my eyes out, but I froze when I felt a second hand on my face. I dared not to move, just in case this person was a psycho and was trying to kidnap me - wouldn't the security here be more careful about people like that? I had my eyes closed when I realized the second hand, so I ever so slowly opened them, expecting to see a gloved hand, but I let out a scream when I saw a white, robotic hand in front of my eyes. I jumped up in fear, expecting to see an android leap at me with a knife or something, but...there was no one.

I looked around, seeing the lights were turned off and the door was closed; the curtains to my right were closed, so I ripped them open and saw no one. I turned to the closed curtains on my left, and I grabbed a fistful of them in my hand. My eyes widened as much as they could, and I froze. There was the robot hand again, grabbing onto the curtains, and it was attached to a robot arm. I followed it all the way up to my shoulder, where the white synthetic skin connected real skin. I lowered my arm down, staring at it intently; I delicately ran my fingertips over it, shocked that I could actually feel them running along the skin. "Incredible..." I whispered. I flexed my hand, turning it in circles and opening and closing my fist - it all felt so real; I saw a small little button right under the joint between my shoulder and the arm, so out of curiosity I pushed it.

I jumped when my skin colour suddenly began materializing around my arm until every inch of white was gone, like it wasn't even a robotic arm. Like it was...just my regular arm; the door opened, and in walked in the guy doctor. "It's good to see you awake, Ms. Anderson, how are you feeling?" he asked, walking over to me. I looked up at him; "There's no difference at all..." He smiled a little; "Well I hope there isn't, or else that would mean we didn't do a good job," he said. I didn't know whether that was a joke or not, but I smirked anyway; "Have you encountered any complications?" he asked, taking my arm in hand. I just shook my head, watching as he turned my, then back on again before letting go of my hand. He placed a hand on my shoulder; "Do you feel any pain or soreness in your shoulder?"

I shook my head again, carefully rolling my shoulder and feeling nothing; the door opened again, and Uncle Hank hobbled in his crutches. "I'll leave you two be," the doctor said, and briskly exited the room. Uncle Hank walked over to the chair next to me, carefully sitting down and letting the crutches fall to the floor carelessly. He then just sat there, in complete silence staring at the floor with unblinking eyes; I shifted uncomfortably, furrowing my brows in confusion. "Are you okay?" I asked, sitting up. Uncle Hank didn't move or even acknowledge that I spoke to him, the floor just seemed so interesting. "Uncle Hank, you're worrying me. Is something wrong?" I asked slowly. I swallowed nervously as my heart began to race; "How's Cole? Did you get to see him?" I asked again, my voice shaking.

Uncle Hank clenched his fists, breathing a little heavier; my bottom lip began to quiver, and I felt my eyes begin to sting. "Please....p-please tell me he's okay..." I begged softly. Uncle Hank finally turned to me, his cheeks already stained with tears and his eyes bloodshot, and he slowly shook his head. I let out a choked cry, falling back on my bed and covering my mouth to muffle my sobbing, the tears immediately streaming down my face., I-I don't believe it...! I ripped off the covers, standing up and ripping out the tubes; "Where are you going?" Uncle Hank asked, his voice hoarse. I ignored him, opening the door and storming down the hall, following the bustling nurses as they spoke about a "failed surgery" - they had to lead me to Cole. "Skye!" I ignored him again as I approached the nurses, spinning them around.

"Which room is Cole Anderson in?" I asked, looking both of them in the eye. "M-Ms., you can't - " My grip tightened, and I gritted my teeth. "I said WHERE IS HE?!" I yelled. The nurses jumped at my outburst, but one shakily pointed down the hall, making me let them go and race down the hall. I stopped when I saw the small cluster of nurses outside an operating room, and I slowed down till I stopped in front of the window. My hand flew up to my mouth again, and I felt my heart skip a beat at what I saw:

There he was...little...innocent 6 year old little boy...draped in sheets that were drenched in his blood.

An ear splitting shriek ripped through my lungs, and I pressed myself up against the window, curling my fists. "YOU KILLED HIM!!" I yelled. The android surgeon turned at the commotion, giving me a blank, emotionless stare. I banged my left fist on the window, hearing it crack; "YOU KILLED HIM, YOU CARELESS, LIFELESS BASTARD!!" I felt arms begin to grab me and pull me away from the window, and I instantly began to struggle. "DAMN YOU!! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!! FUCKING USELESS ANDROIDS!! KILL THEM!! KILL THEM ALL!!" I yelled, trying to rip my arms free. "GIVE HIM BACK TO ME!! GIVE COLE BACK TO ME!!" My voice cracked at the end, and I finally gave up, letting security drag me back to my room where Uncle Hank was waiting.

"Come back to me...please Cole..."


Tuesday October 16th 2035 - 5:00 pm

My second funeral, in my whole life.

I was seated in a wheelchair next to Uncle Hank, who still had his cast and was using a cane to walk instead of crutches. He kept one hand on the wheelchair handle, holding a death grip on it as we watched the little coffin get lowered into the grave. My eyes were bloodshot, my cheeks stained with dried tears, and there were dark bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep. I sniffled quietly when two people went forward with shovels and began burying the coffin; Uncle Hank used my wheelchair for support as we slowly went over to his tombstone. My breath hitched, and I reached my hand out to touch the plaque, biting my lip as it instantly began to quiver. "I love you, Cole....I didn't say it enough...but I love you..." I whispered. I turned away when I felt a tear slip down, and I wheeled myself away towards the car, waiting while Uncle Hank paid his respects.

After a few minutes, he slowly made his way over with his cane; he wordlessly helped me stand up and sit down in the car as he went to put my wheelchair in the trunk. He sat down in the driver's seat, not moving for a full minute before he started the car and drove us home, the ride agonizingly silent. Once we got home, I carefully stepped out and sat down in my wheelchair as Uncle Hank shut off the car. I wheeled myself up to the front door, unlocking it and rolling in; Sumo stood up, padding over to me and poking his nose into my legs. I just pushed him away, wheeling myself down the hall and to my room; I pushed open the door, entering my room before closing the door behind me. Once I was finally alone, I let every emotion I held in out, and I curled up in a ball in my chair as I bursted into tears.

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