Chapter 7

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*Skye's p.o.v.*

"Uncle Hank," I said, beckoning him over to a small side table. He came over to me, looking down at what I pointed at, making him roll his eyes; "Red ice, what else is fucking new," he muttered, walking back over to the other cops. I just sighed, glancing around my...old house; "History is definitely repeating itself," I whispered to myself. So far, we found the murder weapon which was a knife, the red ice drugs, and the perfectly written sentence of 'I AM ALIVE' above the victim. Only an idiot would say an android didn't write that, so I had a feeling that this guy's android snapped, too. Speaking of androids, Connor walked back into the living room and crouched in front of the knife, staring at the blood. It reached down and dabbed its fingertip into the blood, then tasted it; "Jesus christ Connor, you're fucking disgusting," I spat, wrinkling my nose in disgust.

It stood up and looked over at me; "I'm analyzing the blood, I can check samples in real time," it told me. With an odd tone in its voice, it said, "I'm sorry, I should have warned you." I just huffed and turned away, ignoring it as I continued to wander around; "He was stabbed." I turned back when it spoke again, standing above the victim. "28 times." My eyes widened a little, but I gave no response; "Seems like the killer really had it in for him," Uncle Hank commented. I moved away from the living room, going back to the kitchen and heading down the hall to the bathroom; I walked in, gagging a little at the smell. I went up to the shower and pulled back the curtains, stepping back; the wall was covered with something like 'ra9', and there was a small shrine on the floor with a little statuette as an offering. "What the fuck kind of shit was this guy into?" I muttered to myself.

I walked out, prepared to go back to the living room when I heard something. It sounded like footsteps, or like something was knocked over, and it came from above me. I looked at the small attic door in the ceiling and sighed - I never liked our attic, and I still don't. I went back into the kitchen, shoving passed Connor as I picked up the fallen chair; "What are you doing, kid?" Uncle Hank called, looking over at me. "I'm figuring that out," I replied simply. I carried the chair back over to the attic, standing up on it and carefully opening the door, cringing at its squeaky hinges. "Do you need assistance?" Connor asked, standing next to me. "Keep your hands to yourself and you won't get your face kicked in," I spat, climbing up into the attic. I stood still, trying to see through the darkness as I slowly inched forward; I moved around a curtain, seeing a mannequin standing creepily behind it.

I continued forward slowly, moving around any object in my way so I didn't make noise, but I nearly screamed when I saw someone run passed. I had covered my mouth, my eyes wide as I stared in the direction the person went, but I quickly calmed myself down, removing my hand and taking a deep breath. I moved forward, moving around a box and approaching a couple of crates where the person hid. They suddenly jumped out, freezing when they saw me. He had blood splattered all over his android uniform, its LED flashing red when it stared at me. I took a step back, my hands shaking as I pointed at the android. "" I stuttered. It looked almost just as scared as me, breathing heavily; "I was just defending myself..." it whispered, taking a step forward. I backed up, clenching my fist; "It can't be you...they arrested you...I SAW them arrest you..." I said.

It flashed me a look of confusion, but continued anyway; "He was going to kill me..." it said. I swallowed nervously, never once blinking in case it decided to jump at me; "Like how you killed my parents...?" I said, just barely above a whisper. "I'm begging you.... Don't tell them..." it pleaded, its voice actually cracking. I stayed silent, my thoughts racing through my mind as I stayed frozen; "Skye? You okay up there?" My eyes flickered over to the attic door when Uncle Hank called, and I turned back to the android. "It's here, Uncle Hank!" I yelled back, taking another step back. The android sighed, looking down in defeat as I heard someone climb up; Connor hurried over to me with Uncle Hank behind him. Connor grabbed onto the android while Uncle Hank took me down from the attic; "Are you okay? Did it hurt you?" he asked, pulling me into him.

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