Chapter 2

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As Kyle and Abby were in the ambulance together, it wasn't quite the reunion that Kyle had hoped for, purely for the fact that his twin was unconscious with a bullet in her chest. Kyle still couldn't believe that Abby was now
married to the boy hated, and not only were they now wed, Alex had put her in her death bed.

Things weren't looking good for Abby, she had lost a lot of blood, and the bullet was lodged within her chest. Kyle was sat along side her, holding her hand as she bled out, as she began to stop breathing, but as her heart rate slowed down, they reached the hospital.

They rushed her out of the ambulance and into the long, narrow hall that led to the hospital entrance, then she was forcefully rushed through the dark double doors and taken straight to surgery.

Hours had passed until Abby was taken out of theatre, and placed into her own private room, and sat in the corner chair of that room was her brother, he was anxiously awaiting news about her. When he saw Abby and the doctors enter the room, he asked them about how the surgery had gone.

They explained that there were a few minor set backs during the procedure, but she was going to be okay. However they did need to keep an eye on her for a few days.

Kyle just sat there staring at her, he was waiting for her to re-gain consciousness, but she didn't, she didn't for many hours, it wasn't until Kyle was about to leave, that she opened her eyes. But then she reached out for Kyle's hand and squeezed it.

Rule number 3... Part 2Where stories live. Discover now