Chapter 2

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Emily returned home about three hours later after spending most of her day songwriting. Most of the Bellas were on the main floor watching a movie together.

"Hey Em!" Stacie yelled from the couch, "We're watching Grease. You should join us."

"Ok guys. I'm just gonna go change quick." Emily said as she ran upstairs.

When she got to the top of the stairs, she wasn't looking as she ran to her room and tripped over Jessica's body. When she looked up and saw both Jessica and Ashley dead, she screamed. The rest of the Bellas rushed upstairs and saw the graphic scene.

"Here we go again," muttered Flo.

"Legacy! What did you do?!" Fat Amy exclaimed.

"Me? I just found them! You literally just saw me come home!"

"Hmmmm seems like the perfect alibi....unless you killed them earlier when we were gone!"

"I always thought that they would be burned at the stake for witchcraft," whispered Lilly.

Cynthia Rose interjected, "Amy, why would Legacy want to kill Ashley and Jessica?"

"Who?" Stacie asked.

Fat Amy ignored both questions, "We need to call Beca and Chloe."


Beca was at her internship working on some demos when her phone went off. Her boss was clearly annoyed.

"Are you serious Reggie? You don't silence your phone at work? I mean I could expect this behavior out of Dax but I expected more from you Reggie."

"Yeah, I am so sorry it won't happen again." She looked at her phone and saw the call was from Fat Amy and quickly ignored it.

"It better not, or I'll have to--" He was interrupted by Beca's phone going off again.

"Are you kidding me Reggie!"

"I am so sorry again! I'm just gonna take this."

"Yeah, do that."

With that, she walked away to answer her phone.

Before she could say anything Fat Amy's voice came over the line.

"Beca! Ashley and Jessica are dead! You have to come home now! We don't know what to do!"

Beca could hear the panic and urgency in her voice. Without any explanation, she ran to her car and drove home as fast as she could. Upon walking into the house she saw the girls huddled together crying over the lost lives.

"What happened?!" Beca exclaimed.

Emily was the first to respond. "I didn't know. I tripped and when I looked up..." she trailed off.

"Did anyone call the police?" Beca asked.

"Not yet..." Fat Amy stammered.

Beca rolled her eyes. "We have two dead bodies in our house and you called me before you called the cops?! Did you call Chloe too?"

"No, we didn't do that either...."

Beca sighed. "Alright I'm gonna call the cops, you guys can call Chloe."

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