Chapter 4

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Beca had just calmed Chloe and the rest of the Bellas down enough to finally doze off when she felt her phone start buzzing. She glanced at it and saw Jesse was calling. Realizing he would keep calling until she picked up, she answered right away.

"Beca! Where are you? Are you ok? Your house is a crime scene and there are cops everywhere!"

"Yeah Jesse, I'm fine. I'm on my way to Aubrey's retreat with the rest of the girls."

"But why is your house a crime scene?!"

"It looks like someone killed Ashley and Jessica yesterday."

"Are you serious? Beca that's awful! Do they know who did it?"

"Not yet, but I'm sure the police are working on it."

"Wait, when did this happen?"

"Um, I don't know. I came home early from the internship and the cops came soon after that."

"Then why are they taking another body bag out of the house?"

Beca jolted up out of her seat, waking Chloe up. "What did you just say?"

"They are taking another body out of the house as we speak."

"What's going on?" Chloe groggily whispered.

Beca's heart dropped and even though Jesse kept talking, she could no longer make out anything he was saying. She glanced around the bus and saw Emily was also on the phone and appeared to have the same look of horror in her eyes. Benji must have called Emily and described the scene to her.

By now, the rest of the Bellas were waking up and becoming aware of Emily and Beca's state of panic. Looking around the bus, they realized that Stacie was the only one missing.

Cynthia Rose finally asked, "Either one of you wanna tell us what's going on?"

Emily tried to answer her but nothing came out of her mouth. Beca spoke up, "Jesse says they're taking another body out of our house."

"Stacie! Why did we leave her behind?" Chloe trembled.

Emily tried to reason, "We don't know for sure that it was Stacie! It could be anyone! Someone could have broken into the house or it could be--"

"Legacy! You are the dumbest person alive! Of course it's Stacie!" Fat Amy interrupted. "You were the one who decided we should leave her in the first place! For all we know you killed her when you followed her back in the house!"

Flo looked over at Emily who was sitting in the seat next to her and said, "Keep your friends close and enemies closer...I should have seen this coming."

"Amy calm down. I think we all know Emily is not a murderer," Beca reassured the group.

"That's just what she wants us to think," Amy responded.

The rest of the group ignored Amy's suggestions and soon enough they arrived at the retreat. 

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