Chapter 11

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Thankful that everyone was back safe in the main building, the staff began their nightly cleanup. The Bellas, along with Jesse and Benji, volunteered to help by stacking chairs and folding up tables. When Karen was inspecting everyone's work, she realized that Kim's usual job of washing the windows was not getting done.

"WHERE IS KIM?!" Karen roared. "If she skips securing the canoes one more time, I swear I'm gonna fire her myself. She does nothing around here! I have to do everything! WHERE IS SHE?!"

Everyone shrugged, too afraid to answer her. Lilly, however, looked at Fat Amy with an intense duck face...Amy got the message.

"Uhhhhhhhhh," Amy responded in a high pitched squeak. "Well, I might have, sort of accidentally crushed her...."

Although they were all shocked, Chloe was the first to speak up. "You crushed her? What do you mean you crushed her?"

"Uh, well, it was a small price for her to pay to save all this," she said while motioning to herself.

"Where is she now?" Aubrey inquired.

"Some girl came in like a hairless cat that's been struck by lightning and dragged her away."

"Becky," Karen said with disgust.

With Kim's body in Becky's possession, they knew they would never get it back. The Bellas were sufficiently confused, but they finished cleaning up anyways and then headed to their tent. Jesse insisted that he stay up and keep watch over the tent while the girls slept to insure their safety. Benji wanted to stay up with Jesse, but ended up passing out next to him.

Chloe was still unable to sleep, so she went out to keep Jesse company instead of waking any of the girls. After some time had passed, Jesse thought he saw movement in the woods and told Chloe to wait by the tent while he went to check it out. Despite Jesse's request, Chloe got up to follow him soon after he left, but what she saw scarred her permanently. Jesse confronted the man who was terrorizing the Bellas, and tackled him to the ground. As the two fought, Jesse was also attempting to rip the ski mask off of the killer's face but failed. Chloe was watching the whole scene while hiding behind the tree, and was about to scream for help when Jesse saw her with a state of panic in his eyes. The killer took advantage of Jesse's brief moment of distraction and stabbed him in the chest. The masked killer noticed Chloe watching from a distance and got up to chase after her.

Chloe ran as fast as she could toward the main building and into the bathroom. The killer was close behind her and stood, blocking the doorway so that she could not escape. Chloe was eyeing the bathroom stalls when all of the sudden a sleepwalking Emily forcefully burst through the door, whacking the killer and knocking him out. Chloe quickly grabbed Emily's hand and pulled her back to the tent before the killer could regain consciousness. She knew it was a bad idea to wake up a sleepwalker, but this was an emergency. So she laid her back down and shouted, "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! JESSE! THE KILLER! THE BATHROOM!"

The girls woke up in a state of panic and Beca asked Chloe what was going on. After a very long and tear-filled explanation, the girls and Benji all ran to the bus (even Amy was vertical running). However, when they tried to start the engine, it just sounded like an old man gagging on spare change.

"The bus won't start!" Amy yelled.

"Aca-scuse me?" Aubrey nervously replied.


Everyone jumped at the noise coming from the door. They were thankful to see it was not the killer outside the bus, but Derek. They opened the door and he ran into the bus, which caused Flo to hop up and cling to him. When Chloe explained the situation to him, and he told them that he had just seen someone running from the main building. He suggested they all go back there for the rest of the night where they he could help keep them safe. They followed him to the building, and he went in first to double check that it was empty. After he told them it was ok, the remaining Bellas filed inside. Unable to sleep, they just grouped together and waited for the sun to rise.

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