Chapter 7

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 Soon after the Bellas finished their meals, they decided to get ready for bed. It was odd to remember what fun they had at this same retreat only a few months ago, and now all they could focus on was the family that they lost. Aubrey offered the Bellas two tents so they could have more space this time, but most of them agreed they wanted to stay close in one. Aubrey decided it would be best if she stayed in the tent with them too, feeling more secure if she's able to stay close to them.

Though it wasn't easy, one by one the Bellas fell asleep, or at least they tried. Beca stayed up long enough to see Chloe drift off, and once she was positive she was asleep, she snuck out of the tent. She found a trail not too far from the tent and trudged along it for a while, avoiding any bear traps. She did not want a repeat of last time, especially with no one nearby to get her down. Then again, maybe being trapped again wouldn't be so bad. At least she'd be alone. As much as she loves Chloe and the rest of those nerds, she really needed her personal space, now more than ever.

She stopped walking when she stumbled upon an old oak tree that was large enough to shield her from anyone who might take the same path. She leaned against it and sank down to the mossy ground. For a minute there, she thought maybe she would just stare into the starry sky. Maybe she wouldn't break down. Maybe she could find a way to stay strong for the rest of the Bellas. Unfortunately, she knew this couldn't be the case. The first tear dripped down her face, and they didn't stop falling after that. She tucked her head down and hugged her legs, just thankful no one was here to see her this weak. Just then, she was interrupted by a familiar voice and a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey Becs," Jesse greeted her softly.

Beca just kept her head down, mentally kicking herself for forgetting this trail connects to the parking lot.

"It's ok. You don't have to say anything." Jesse told her as he sat down beside her. He put his arm around her, and Beca leaned into him. The two of them just sat there in silence for a while, until Beca finally spoke up.

"I should probably get back to the girls. Most of them haven't been sleeping well, and they'll freak if I'm not there when they wake up."

"No need to rush, Beca. It's ok to be sad. I'll walk you back when you're ready."

She wanted to protest, but couldn't deny that she wanted his company. She nodded, then they stood up after a few more minutes and walked back to the tent.

As they walked up, they noticed Chloe, Emily, and Benji talking outside the tent.

"No need to worry. Jesse went to find her. They'll be alright." Benji said in hopes of comforting the girls.

Chloe and Emily, although on the brink of another break down, accepted Benji's comfort.

"Besides," continued Benji "Jesse was the one who got us here before those reporters."

"Wait...what?" Emily asked. "What do you mean 'before those reporters'?"

Benji nervously glanced between the two girls and replied with a shaky voice, "Um, the announcers from the radio show 'Let's Talk-appella'. I think they accidentally overheard me say where you were staying."

"Those two?! They are the ones who said we wouldn't make it in life because we're women!" Chloe responded furiously.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to tell them anything. It was an accident!"

Beca, hearing this news for the first time, shot Jesse a look. He shrugged it off knowing that now was not the time for this conversation.

"Beca, where did you go off to? We were worried that..." Chloe trailed off not wanting to think about where she was headed with that sentence.

"I'm fine, Chloe. I just couldn't sleep so I went for a walk. No big deal."

"No big deal?! Becs, you could have been in serious danger and if anything happened to you-"

"Chloe, you can calm down now. At least we know she's safe." Emily chimed in.

All of the commotion woke the rest of the girls up, and one by one they exited the tent.

"You pitches having a party without the rest of us?" Fat Amy asked.

Once again ignoring Amy's comments, Aubrey spoke up, "What's all the fuss about?"

Beca replied with a hint of annoyance in her voice, "Nothing, everything is fine."

"It don't sound like everything's fine, Beca," added Cynthia Rose. "We gotta stick together if we're gonna get through this."

Beca explained the events of the past hour to the group. The girls all nodded in understanding.

Then, it hit Cynthia Rose, "Why are the trebles here? For all we know, you aca-bitches are behind the murders!"

"Whoa, we don't know who is behind it. They just came because they were worried about us." Emily reasoned.

"Man, I really wish Bumper were here too. But he's off on the Voice, getting ready to crush all his tone-deaf 'competitors'." Fat Amy remarked.

Just then, they heard some rustling in the woods nearby. When they looked to the find the source of the noise, all they saw was a white van with the word 'Mock-appella' written in big letters on the side.

"I guess they're already here," Jesse said.

"I can take them out using my military dark-ops skills," mumbled Lilly as she rose from the bushes. The noise caused the Bellas to turn around just in time to see her sink back into the bushes.

"Great. Now we have to deal with them following us around too," Beca groaned.

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