Chapter 3

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The cops arrived at the Bellas house soon after Beca's call. During the examination of the bodies, they were unable to find identification.

"Does anyone have positive identification on these girls?" one of the officers asked.

"Their names are Ashley and Jessica" Beca answered.

"Do they have last names?"

The Bellas collectively shrugged, but Amy responded in a high-pitched voice, "Uhhhhh. Probably..?"

Lilly muttered their last names under her breath, but as usual, no one heard.

The police concluded their search of the Bellas' house and asked them if there was anywhere else that they could stay for a while, as the house was now an active crime scene. The group decided that staying with Aubrey at her retreat was the best form of action. As the Bellas began to pack, the officers took Ashley and Jessica to the coroner's van and left.

Chloe burst through the front door in tears and Beca ran to meet her. Chloe threw her arms around Beca and continued sobbing hysterically.

"Chloe, you didn't even know them that well." Beca said in attempt to comfort her friend.

"But they're family!" Chloe retorted.

"You twit. Did you even know their last name?"

"...well no, but they're Bellas."

"Just breathe." Beca understood her attachment to the girls and lead her to her room to begin packing as she explained that they were going to be staying at Aubrey's retreat for a while.


The Bellas finished packing up the bus and just as they were about to head out, Stacie realized that she had forgotten her hairbrush. She ran back into the house to grab it. The other girls were waiting for a while and started to wonder what was taking her so long. Emily volunteered to go check on her. When she got to Stacie's room, she saw Stacie with a man.

Stacie looked at Emily and tried to scream for help.

"OH MY GOSH! I'M SO SORRY!" Emily exclaimed as she slammed the door thinking she caught Stacie wouldn't be the first time. She ran back to the bus and told them that Stacie had company for the night. With that, they left the house and set out toward Aubrey's retreat.

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