Chapter 9

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 Back in the main building, Jesse, Benji, Chloe, Lilly, Aubrey, and the rest of the staff found some playing cards and decided to play some poker, which Lilly ended up being suspiciously good at. They had just become distracted enough by the game to ignore their current troubles when Flo sauntered in the door. Chloe was the first to look up from the game and notice her.

"Flo, what's up?"

"The reporters were not the only ones who followed us. Cynthia Rose is dead and I can't find Amy," Flo replied.

"You think the killer followed you here?!" Aubrey gasped.

Beca noticed the commotion and took her headphones off.

"What's going on?"

"Cynthia Rose and Amy are dead," Chloe trembled as the tears started to fall again.

"Whoa Chloe," Jesse interjected, "Flo only said that Cynthia Rose is dead. We don't know what happened to Amy yet. For all we know she could have just gotten lost or gone back to the tent."

"Jesse's right," Aubrey agreed, "but we should still go find Amy just to make sure she's safe. I suggest we all split up into groups lead by a staff member because they know the grounds best."

"I volunteer to go with the very handsome French man!" Flo exclaimed as she grabbed Derek's arm.

"Um, did everyone just choose to ignore Cynthia Rose being dead?" Emily asked. "Because that's kinda a big deal."

Beca noticed how shaken up Chloe was, so she left her laptop and headphones at the table to make her way to her friend. She grabbed Chloe's hand and held tight not only for her friend's comfort, but also for her own.

Benji followed Beca's example and reached for Emily's hand. However, he was not as smooth and he ended up grabbing the pencil she was holding and poked his hand. He yelped in pain and Emily began apologizing like crazy.

Jesse responded to Emily's question, "We're not ignoring her death. We just need to focus on trying to keep the rest of you alive. We can worry about Cynthia Rose once we know Amy is alright."

Lilly rose from the center of the table (no one knows how, but she did) and softly whispered, "I once ate a dead body." She then made a duck face and, staring at Kim, lowered herself back into the table.

With that, they divided themselves into groups and Aubrey assigned a worker to each. She figured it would be best to have Chloe go with someone who made her feel at ease, so she assigned herself to walk with Chloe. Emily and Benji stayed together and were given Karen to help. Beca and Jesse walked away leaving Brenda to catch up. Flo, not letting go of Derek's arm, shuffled away towards the wooded area. Lastly, Kim was on the hunt for Lilly in the table when Lilly appeared behind her making her best duck face.

Everyone had gone out to search for Fat Amy, so Blake stayed behind to move Cynthia Rose's body to a more appropriate place for the time being. 

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