Chapter 10

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 Chloe and Aubrey started walking through the woods towards the bus searching for Fat Amy. Aubrey had just asked Chloe how she felt about graduating, when a petite blonde girl darted past them while exclaiming.

"What was that?!" Chloe asked

"Oh, that was just Becky," Aubrey said, "So anyways, how's the job hunt going?"

Becky bolted by them again, and this time, Chloe noticed that Becky was wearing nothing but a McDonald's apron.

"Who is Becky and why isn't she wearing any clothes?!" Chloe demanded.

"She just shows up around here. We don't question her clothing choices anymore. Bad things happen when we do."

A still confused Chloe just shook her head and chose to follow Aubrey's lead by ignoring the psychotic girl. When they reached the bus, Amy was nowhere to be found. Instead of feeling discouraged, Chloe found her positivity and chose to encourage Aubrey.

"I'm sure we'll find her soon. Amy can make it through anything and she is here somewhere."

Aubrey was glad that her friend was finally feeling better than before and suggested that they go search the west end of the woods.


Karen was leading Emily and Benji through the east section of the woods, quickening her pace with every step.

"Hey, um, could we maybe take it a little slower?" Benji asked

"Yeah," Emily chimed in, "if we go too fast we could miss her."

"I doubt we could miss her." Karen snapped as she tried to flip what was left of her hair, but it did not move.

Emily grabbed Benji's hand and tried to keep up with Karen's pace.

Without even turning around, Karen asked, "Do you have to do that? This is a camp where we focus on team-building, and it's hard to do that when you two are only involved with each other."

Emily and Benji silently agreed to ignore her comment, and proceeded to follow her on their search for Amy. Frustration welled up in them the longer they searched for Amy because no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't find her.


As all this was happening, Kim was sprinting and panting through her duck face to find Lilly and Amy. She heard a noise nearby and stopped in her tracks. She looked up only to see Amy hanging from a tree in an animal trap. What surprised her even more was that Lilly was already above her cutting the rope to set Amy free.

"Kim!" Amy shouted, "I am so happy to see you here! Now, would you mind just walking under this net to soften my fall a little?"

Slightly confused, Kim stepped underneath Amy just before she fell. When Amy hit Kim, Kim's body crumbled, and the crunching of bones was the only audible sound. Amy got up and awkwardly attempted to give CPR, which only broke more of her bones. Out of nowhere, Becky raced in to grab Kim's body, then dragged it away as fast as she could with her McDonald's apron flapping in the wind. Lilly just smiled, combed her bangs, and vanished into the woods. After witnessing that scene, Amy decided that the only appropriate form of action was to walk as fast as she could back to the camp to let everyone know she was ok.

As she was walking back, Amy heard the strangest noise. It sounded like a helicopter. When she looked up, she heard the a cappella radio show hosts talking out of speakers.

"Would you look at that, John? Someone has finally found Fat Amy!" Gail reported. "And it looks like Amy has thanked her rescuer by physically crushing her."

"I must say Gail, I'm surprised that this is the first death caused by her obesity."

Amy shouted back up at them, "That's only true if you exclude non-human deaths!"


Beca, Jesse, and Brenda had been searching deep in the woods for a couple hours, when Brenda suggested, "Maybe we should just give up and head back. If we haven't found them by now we probably aren't going to."

"Hold on, Brenda, Amy's still out here and we can't just give up yet." Beca said.

"Yeah, Brenda." Jesse added.

Brenda rolled her eyes, then they all heard Fat Amy's familiar voice screaming, "I'M FREE PITCHES!"

Beca smugly retorted, "See Brenda, I told you."

With that, they reunited with Amy, and went to round up the others.

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