Chapter 12

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 The sun rose, but no one felt like talking. Chloe was obviously the most shaken up, but Beca was a close second. She secluded herself to the corner and couldn't do more than blankly stare ahead. The news of Jesse's death put her into a state of shock. Usually, Chloe would be there in a heartbeat trying to comfort her, but she was currently too busy being comforted by Aubrey.

Emily had been in a state of confusion since she had been woken up in her sleepwalking state. Benji was sitting with his arm around her trying to get her head back on planet earth. Flo was tightly clinging to Derek. In spite of the eventful night, Amy was out cold. The silence wasn't broken until Brenda entered the room.

"Hey, what are you all doing in here? Are you ok?"



Eventually, the rest of the staff entered the room and heard the rest of the story. Even Becky could be seen doing jumping jacks outside the window, sporting only her McDonald's apron as usual. While Blake and Brenda were glad Derek had the common sense to bring the girls to the safety of the main building, Karen was obviously annoyed. She claimed that they were "too noisy" and that it kept her from being able to sleep last night.

Aubrey shot Karen a look before saying, "We need to figure out a plan for when this guy strikes again."

Everyone gathered around Aubrey, but she was so focused on her plan that she didn't notice Derek, and Flo sneak out of the building. Blake saw them leaving and decided to follow them to see what they were doing. He caught up to them when they were deep enough in the woods to not be seen. They explained to him that they wanted some time away from everyone else and asked him to keep watch in case anyone found out they had left. He agreed to the plan and sat by a tree with a good view of the building.

They stayed out for such a long time that Blake started to doze off. Just as he began to relax, he heard a rustling in the leaves above his head, but ultimately dismissed it as a squirrel. He leaned back against the tree and the killer hung down by his legs from the tree branch and stabbed him in the throat to the tree. The killer then flipped down from the branch and sneakily approached Derek and Flo, who were both so involved in their conversation that they didn't even notice him. The killer whipped a knife at them, pinning Derek's hand to a tree.

"I knew this is how it would end," Flo said right before she ran away.

The killer ran up and stabbed Derek, finishing him off, then he sprinted after Flo, who was weaving her way through the woods when she heard a loud whirring coming from above her. She looked up to see a large helicopter with the word "Mock-appella" written on the side. The killer was close on her tail and knew that if he pushed himself, he could catch her. Then they heard a loud voice projecting throughout the woods.

"This is John and Gail with the radio show 'Mock-appella'. We are coming to you live from our helicopter while watching one of the Barden Bellas being chased by possibly the same person who killed her band mates."

"John, are you saying that this person could be yet another killer?" Gail asked.

"Well, I imagine there are a lot of people who would like to see these girls suffer, myself included."

The killer stopped running and looked up in a state of confusion.


As the killer took off running again, John and Gail yelled in unison, "GO KILLER GO! YOU CAN DO IT!"

The killer then dove toward Flo and managed to grab onto her ankle causing her to fall. Flo was more terrified than ever, but she still contemplated accepting her fate because she had already lived longer than she expected.

"DON'T LOSE YOUR GRIP!" John yelled out.

Flo mustered up the courage to keep fighting and found a way to struggle free of the killer's grasp with enough time to run away. The killer decided that she wasn't worth the fight because she wasn't his main target anyways, so he let her go for the time being.

"So close! You'll get her next time." Gail chimed.

Flo ran all the way back to the main building and burst through the door and tried to catch her breath before explaining to the group what had just happened. After learning of the two most recent deaths, Karen was furious. She was so furious that she flipped the table Emily and Benji were sitting at.

"Before you Bellas showed up here, everything was fine! It was alright when only you guys were dying, but now that our staff is dying I won't tolerate your presence anymore. Now that your other plan didn't work, why don't you try leaving and terrorizing someone else!"

"You know what, Karen?! I have had enough of you! You've only been here for one week and you act like you're in charge! You do nothing here except boss everyone around! If you can't support and help my friends in their time of need, then you leave!!" Aubrey fired back.
Brenda opened her mouth to speak, but before she could say anything, Karen hissed, "Stay out of this, BRENDA!"

"YEAH, BRENDA!" Aubrey added. "If you want to continue living here, Karen," she said with disgust, "then you have to start playing by my rules. We are a family here and want to be treated as such. You are not our superior so stop acting like it!"

Karen scowled. "Well, I don't know what makes you think you have the power to ask me to leave, but I'm not going anywhere. I am one of the few people left who is actually supposed to be here, and I will not be driven out by this infestation you've brought."

Amy could be seen in the back trying to pummel Karen, while the other girls attempted to hold her back.

"How dare you speak to me like that?! I gave you a job and a place to stay when you needed it, Karen, if that's even your real name."

Karen scoffed at Aubrey and stormed out of the building, once again flipping the table Emily and Benji had just set back up. The girls thanked Aubrey for standing up to Karen.

"Judgy bitch," said Amy.

DO NOT DO NOTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora