Chapter 15

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Lilly was playing that smooth jazz on the saxophone and Flo was beginning to relax when the killer came flying up the stairs clutching an old rustic dagger that was still bloody from the last kill. 

"Ah yes. Only the strong survive," Flo said motioning to Lilly and herself.

Lilly switched from playing jazz to the Mission Impossible theme as they watched most of the Bellas and Benji run up the stairs and out the door in attempt to catch up with the killer. A minute later, Amy appeared in the doorway of the basement gasping for air and holding two microphones. Without acknowledging Flo and Lilly, she sped as fast as she could through the room in the direction that she assumed everyone else had gone. They heard more laughter coming from the stairway before they could get up and follow, and saw that John and Gail were speaking into their microphones about the way Amy ran up the stairs as they emerged from the lower level. Flo and Lilly followed everyone outside, and by the time they caught up to the rest of the group, they had lost sight of the killer and decided to look for him together (splitting up just sounded like a bad idea at this point).

Benji thought he heard a noise coming from inside the house and went to check it out as he did not want the girls in any more harm than they already were. Upon arriving at the source of the noise, he discovered that it was just the sound of the curtains tapping on the window. He removed the curtains from the rod and opened the window to eliminate the noise so that they could focus on finding the killer. However, he did not have enough time to set the curtain rod back in its place before another man walked into the room, trapping Benji where he stood. Benji thought that he at least had some protection with the curtain rod being in his hand still, but somehow the killer managed to unarm him and immobilize him using only a curtain. The killer shoved him toward the open window and held him tightly, allowing time for the Bellas to realize what was happening. Benji made eye contact with Emily as he was pushed from the window. He landed on the green grass, which immediately began turning red as it was covered in the blood that spilled from his head. 

The Bellas all looked up in shock as they saw Benji about to fall out of the window. Emily, terrified and angry, allowed her eyes to lock onto Benji's as she helplessly watched him mouth his last 'I'm sorry' to her right before his face connected with the ground. She broke into a sprint toward his body and as she turned him over to see his face for some sort of closure, she realized that it was no longer recognizable. She couldn't even form words as the tears streamed down her cheeks and Beca sat right beside her in attempts of comfort.

"Oh, and another one bites the dust, Gail," John reported.

Filled with grief and rage, Emily couldn't stop herself from punching John in the face, giving him a bloody nose. Although Beca wanted to attack them as well, she instead pulled Emily back and got her inside the building before they could do any more damage, and to get her away from Benji's body.

"Wow! She's feisty!" Gail chimed.

The others had already raced up the stairs only to find the empty room that the killer was standing in only minutes before. They were all clearly annoyed that they were always steps behind the killer and nowhere near figuring out how to catch him or even who he was.

"It's only a matter of time before something happens to the rest of us. I should have never left la banda de los discípulos back home. Jamir Delgado wouldn't be after us all now if I had just stayed," Flo stated as she hung her head in shame.

"Don't be stupid! Clearly it's one of the broken hearts I've left in a trail behind me," Amy retorted.

"You seriously think someone is killing all of us just because you broke up with them?" Aubrey asked with confusion.

"Well, you gotta admit that it would be devastating to have to get over this." Amy pointed out while posing for everyone.

"Look, we don't know who this psychopath is, but we do know that we are all in danger and we need some way to get help," Aubrey said.

"If the killer gets to me, the rest of you won't need anymore help because he will have finished his job. Next time he gets the chance, he won't hesitate to kill me," Flo predicted.

"Guys, this talk is not helping at all," Beca announced as she was putting an ice pack on Emily's knuckles while still trying to calm her down.

Instead of waiting around for anymore of them to die, Flo turned and quickly ran out the door as if surrendering to the killer as a ransom for her friends. It was almost like an acceptance to her invitation as she was swooped up into a net and dangled from a tree. Her friends were screaming at her and running her direction, but just when they were directly in eye sight, the killer slowly inserted his dagger right under Flo's rib cage. An ear-piercing scream escaped her lips as she felt the blade enter and leave her flesh. Beca immediately shielded Emily from the sight and dragged her away. The killer took off running as the girls approached the dangling, bloodied girl. Aubrey was in pursuit of the killer, gun in hand wishing that he had been just a few feet closer so that he was within shooting range. Even though she was close, he managed to get away yet again.

"Don't worry, guys. It was my time. You don't have to worry anymore," Flo claimed with a weak, yet proud voice. She stopped struggling and permitted death to take her that very moment. 

As if they could sense the sadness and pain in the air, John and Gail showed up.

"Oh no! We missed this one, John," Gail whined.

"Well, you know what they say: Mexico's gotta go!" John said in a sing-song way.

Their voices were suddenly drowned out by the whirring of helicopter blades. Everyone looked up, and saw the killer piloting John and Gail's helicopter.

"Excuse me, sir!" John yelled, "We are big fans of your work, but that is our helicopter, and we'd appreciate it if you would land it for us."

The Bellas had never seen John act this polite before, but it didn't matter because the killer flew away in their helicopter. John and Gail grabbed their equipment and rushed to their van. They figured the only way they would ever get their helicopter back was to get the police involved and now that they were the victims, it actually felt important to them. When they got their things inside the back of the van, they got in their seats and promptly turned on the engine. They sped out of the woods and as they were getting close to the road, they felt something under the tires.

"What an odd place for a speed bump," John noted.

"I don't think that was a speed bump, John," Gail replied.

Although neither of them knew what they had run over, John continued to maneuver the van out of the campsite and to the nearest police station.

The Bellas all watched in horror as Brenda was hit and run over by John and Gail. They didn't even slow down! Then again, they didn't try to stop Becky as she pulled her body away from the road and deeper into the woods. It had been an exhausting day and with all the events that had happened, they needed to sleep and regain their energy before figuring out how to contact the police.

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