Chapter 6

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When the Bellas arrived at the retreat, Aubrey was anxiously waiting for them. She wasn't being quite the drill sergeant she was when they came here earlier this year. Now she seemed much more overwhelmed and vulnerable. She wanted to cry, but wouldn't allow herself to because she needed to stay strong for her girls. She put on a brave face as the Bellas exited the bus and greeted them all with hugs.

Chloe was still in pretty rough shape, but was doing a little better after getting some sleep. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying all night. Beca made sure to stay by her side, even when she went to meet Aubrey. However, when the Bellas went to start setting up their tents, Beca went to grab the bag she forgot on the bus. As Beca was trying to walk away, Chloe started to panic allowing the idea that something terrible could happen to her too. She grabbed hold of Beca's arm to stop her from walking away.

"Chlo, I'm not going to leave you. It's okay," Beca comforted her best friend. "Hey, Aubrey will you grab my bag for me?" Aubrey nodded in response and walked to the bus.

Meanwhile, the rest of the girls finished setting up the tents in silence. Even Fat Amy couldn't find anything to say. By the time they were preparing to eat dinner, Chloe finally broke the silence.

"Are we gonna talk about this or are we just gonna pretend like it's not happening?"

Emily rambled, "I just can't believe I let us leave without Stacie and now that I look back I think she might've been asking me for help and maybe if I would've--"

"Can you shut your dumb trap for one moment?!" Amy interrupted.

"Em, I get that you feel guilty but you need to stop blaming yourself for this. It's not your fault." Beca remarked.

"Besides, if you had stepped in, you could've gotten hurt too." Aubrey added.

Emily nodded with tears in her eyes while she stared at her food.

"You know back in my country, we witnessed at least one murder every week," commented Flo.

Lilly mumbled, "I committed at least one murder every week when I was in middle school." Everyone looked at her with confusion, but continued eating.

"But what I don't understand is why this happened to Ashley, Jessica, and Stacie." Cynthia Rose chimed in. "I mean I could see an ex coming after Stacie or something, but no one even knew who Ashley and Jessica were! We don't even know which one was Ashley and which one was Jessica."

"Well, it's like my dad always says, 'Sometimes life gives you lemons when you really want a pineapple.' And I think you all know what I mean."

The rest of the Bellas shared confused looks with each other and nodded. The ones who chose to eat finished the rest of their meal quietly, while the rest just stared blankly and waited for night to fall.

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