Chapter 17

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 The next few moments went by in a whirlwind. Emily could hear voices, but couldn't make out anything they were saying. Her entire body was numb. She could barely breathe. It felt like her heart was either going to beat out of her chest or just stop beating altogether. Officers tried to help her up, but every time they tried the world started spinning violently around her. Beca couldn't be dead.

Aubrey knelt down next to Emily, gently grabbing her hand knowing that her actions would speak louder than words. Although everyone was shivering from the cold rain that had begun pouring down, Emily remained still, not moving a muscle. Amy was growing tired of the cops complaining about Emily being in their way so she took matters into her own hands. She walked over Emily and carefully lifted her off of the ground to carry her inside.

As they were about to step inside, they heard the sound of more cars pulling up. Aubrey turned around towards the parking lot to see John and Gail had come back, followed by a swarm of police cars and coroner's van. They decided capturing the killer took priority over taking John and Gail into custody, after hearing about Beca's death over the police radio. They promptly went over to her body, placed her in the body bag, and headed back to the morgue.

Not long after the girls had gotten dried off, the officers, along with John and Gail, came running inside due to the storm growing and the wind raging. They had done what they could with the crime scene and had taken pictures of it just in time.

"Ugh, can you believe we missed the latest murder, John?" Gail asked.

"I want to say I can't believe it Gail, but if we're being honest I'm surprised she didn't go sooner being the smallest Bella and all."

Aubrey had just wrapped a blanket around Emily when she heard overheard their conversation.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she questioned as she stormed toward them. "Seriously. What in the actual hell is wrong with you? People are literally being murdered right in front of you and you're treating it like it's some sort of game!"

"Well, if this WAS some kind of game, I assure you, we'd be winning right now," Gail laughed. 

"You think is funny? You two really must be psychopaths. How can you have such little regard for human life? Emily is over there suffering from shock and you are too busy cracking jokes to care!"

"Folks, it appears that it is that time of the month again for Aubrey," John reported into his microphone.

"Ah yes and what unfortunate timing too," Gail chimed.

Aubrey gave up and walked back over to attempt to comfort Emily.

The storm intensified to the point that it caused the power to go out. It was now pitch black, and no one was able to find any sources of light that didn't require electricity. Karen realized that she had left some flashlights in her van and despite everyone's warnings, she grabbed an umbrella and ran out to into the storm to grab them. However, by the time she got to her van, a tornado had formed and the girls all watched helplessly as it swept her up like angry Karen Poppins along with her van. It then proceeded to leave the campsite as though it got what (or who) it wanted.

Lilly ran out the door and began imitating the twister, running around and making whirring noises. Everyone in the building stood there watching in shock at the now empty area (except for Lilly) that was a crime scene just minutes before. 

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