New Case

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Connor's POV
I walked up to the lieutenants desk. He had his eyes locked onto the computer screen, and didn't seem to notice me. Since when had he been so into his work? Normally he couldn't give a damn, but now he seemed so fixated on. It it seemed quite odd.

"Hello, Lieutenant." I greeted, startling him.

"Jesus Connor, don't sneak up on me like that!" he scolded me, eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.

I smirked a little and sat down at my desk across from him.

"I didn't think I'd see you again. Since you guys won the revolution, you've just been kinda MIA. I just, uh, kinda thought you went somewhere else, with your new freedom." The Lieutenant said, leaning back in his chair and looking over at me. "Though, A part of me was little worried you didn't make it." He added.

"I was helping Jericho get back onto its feet. As for going somewhere else..." I tilted my heads towards him, thinking of what to say. "Where else would I go, Lieutenant? I'm a practically walking forensics lab, not like I can do any other job as effectively. Plus, I've grown to like the station, and most of the work I can find here." I finished explaining, unlocking my computer and taking a look at the open cases.

"For the last time, call me Hank. You don't gotta be so formal, you know." He stated, still looking at me.

"Sorry, Li- Hank. It won't happen again." I apologized, but knowing me it would happen again.

Hank looked at my computer screen for a second. I glanced over at him, he just gave a quiet groan and looked back at his own screen.

"Have fun, those files are a shit show. Murders, attacks, disappearances, you name it." He groaned, leaning back forward and hitting a few keys on the keyboard.

I scanned the cases, and sure enough he was right. It was insane!

"Did you get any work done while I was gone?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I worked here and there. Though I was kinda lonely without my partner." Lieutenant joked.

I laughed nervously. Unsure of how to take that joke.

"Y'know since androids are free you'd think that the crime rate would be down. I guess people still can't get it through their thick skulls that you tin-cans are alive." Hank said, brows furrowing again as he typed a bit faster.

"Humans don't seem to like change, Lieut-Hank." I said casually, catching myself again.

"You're not wrong there." The Lieutenant mumbled, taking a sip of his coffee.

I zoned out for a second, remembering what had happened a few weeks ago with the revolution. Had it really been that long since I was back at the station? It didn't seem like it, but after the whole revolution I stayed with Jericho for a while.

"Well, Connor, any good cases? Normally you'd already be up my ass about something." Hank asked, bringing my mind back to the present.

I scanned the files again, one from last night caught my eye. A seemingly good starting point.

Case reference- attack
Victim- Theodore Enar
Reporting officer- ID#4661UNIT#714
Case assigned to- Lt. Anderson
Case status- open

"Oh, uh, yeah. There was a case reported... last night. The victims name is Theodore Enar. A attack was reported, but he was pronounced dead upon arrival. The deviant, an AP series, seems to have escaped." I said, recalling the report. Then looked over at the Lieutenant.

Freedom of more than just androids ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)   || Hank x Connor||Where stories live. Discover now