I need to see him! He has a... friend... of mine.

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An: so unfortunately for me I leave Sunday to fly back home. After that I have a pretty busy schedule for like a week, then I'm going to travel again to see be more chill. I don't know if I will have time to update in that time, because I'll be busy. If I can I will, but if not then sorry!

Also I was playing DBH earlier and I had previously killed Simon for the flowchart progression and didn't wanna go back and have to play it again... the game ended up with everyone dying, because in my mind (for that round at least) that if Markus can't have his baby he won't have anyone. In the end, I was looking at pencils that had just come in the mail and he joined everyone else via several bullets to the torso.... oops.

Hank's POV

If I could remember correctly, this is where Connor had gone.

He left in the middle of the night, claiming 'he didn't wanna bother me'. We'll bother me my ass! All I care about is if you're okay, dipshit.

I slipped behind a half cracked open door.

Several androids turned their heads towards me.

"Where the... fuck is... god I'm out of shape... Markus?" I panted, hands on my knees from running.

They blinked a few times, before one stepped forward.

"He's... he's not talking to anyone right now, why?" She asked.

I gulped down some more air before speaking.
"I need to see him! He has a... friend... of mine."

She pursed her lips, LED flashing yellow.

"Okay... I'll take you to your friend. Just follow me." The woman stated, turning and walking.

I began to trail behind her.

We walked up several flights of stairs, before she opened a really squeaky door. The metal rubbing against each other sounded like the 6th circle of hell.

She then gestures to a door.
"Here you go."

I nodded.

"Thank you..."

She smiled.
"No problem sir."

I knocked on the door, and a rough looking Simon greeted me.

"Oh good... Simon, you're here Markus can't be far. Where's he?" I asked.

"He had to take care of something..." Simon muttered, frowning a annoyed frown.

"Where the fucks Connor then?!" I demanded.

He looked over his shoulder, and sighed.

"He's okay... we got to him at a reasonable time. He's just resting now. Come on in, Hank." The tired android said, stepping aside to let me in.

I walked into the room.

"Bedroom on the right." Simon said, closing the door.

Once in the doorway of the room, my heart broke.

Connor was so pale, and small looking. His whole body was rigid and trembling, fingers twitching.

Slowly, in a state of shock, I walked up to the side of his bed.

A guttural whine slipped his lips, before he went limp.

Gently I moved the hair that was glued to his face with a cold sweat away.

"Shh, shh, it's okay. It's okay Col-Connor... you're gonna be okay." I whispered.

After a few seconds, he jolted awake with a choked breath. As if he couldn't breathe in fast enough.

Tears instantly began to flow down his cheeks as he looked around.

Once his eyes settled on me, he seemed to relax.

I took his hand into mine, and rubbed his knuckles.

"H-hank...!" He sobbed, wrapping his arms around my neck.

I smiled, and rubbed his back, sitting down on the bed.

"I gotcha... no need to cry." I cooed, pulling him back and wiping away his large tears.

"I couldn't move! And-and there were figures, and- and...." a sob cut off the boy.

I caressed his cheek.

"I was scared!" He bawled, voice quivering.

"Shh, shh. I know. That happens to me too... every now and then." I said softly.

Connor put his head against me, as we both laid (back) down on the bed.

"I thought I was gonna stay like that- like I died! I was terrified..." the android sobbed into my neck.

I rubbed his back.

"I'm here now, I gotcha. It's just sleep paralysis, no need to freak out. Happens to humans all of the time." I explained, holding him close.

"Androids get it too!" Simon called from the other room.

"Did I ask you?" I called back.

"Nobody ever does..." I could hear him mumble.

Connor was already falling back asleep in my arms.

I wiped away his tears.

"I don't wanna die, Hank... I don't wanna go. I'm scared." Connor mumbled, eyes half lidded.

I looked at him, as he fell back asleep.

Those words echoed in my head, as old memories of Cole passed through my mind.

"It's okay dad." I heard my sons voice echo, as I held his hand on he hospital bed.

"I love you." He said, eyes closing for good.

I shook my head... those memories are in the past.

Then again, the heartbreak of losing a child never fully goes away.

As I looked down I realized I was holding Connor's hand.

My heart ached a bit.

I wasn't losing anyone else I love... I swear.

Freedom of more than just androids ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)   || Hank x Connor||Where stories live. Discover now