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An: sorry about no update again, as we all prob know by now I'm not consistent AT ALL. I was traveling for the holiday, and I've been over my head in school work and all of today I've been feeling like throwing up, but eh.... for now I'm back bitches!!

Connor's POV

Status- online
Arms- functional; online
Legs- functional; online
Vital biocomponents- functional; online

My eyes fluttered open, and a somewhat familiar room came into view.

I don't remember where I remember it from... but it's in there somewhere. And with my recent problems, I guess it's reasonable.

I looked around, and saw a metal arm of sorts holding me up by a port in my spine.

I moved and it hissed, unlocking and making me fall onto the hard floor.

A pained exhale slipped my lips, knees aching.

There was a click as the two doors I front of me by several feet opened.

Someone walked in, and I stood quickly.

"Connor!" They exclaimed, running at me.

My first instinct was to hide, but my body wouldn't move.

"Wait! Hank-" another, smaller, man cried.

I scanned them.

The older, and larger, was lieutenant Hank Anderson.
The other was my creator, Elijah Kamski.

I didn't remember either of them....

Within seconds, Hank had me in his arms.

I hugged back, system telling me to do so.

"Connor, Connor.... you're okay. I was so worried! You're okay!" Hank mumbled into my hair, obviously distressed.

"Yes. I am fine, Lieutenant." I stated, scanning around the room.

Kamski walked up behind Hank, and put his hand on his shoulder.

"He... he's not fully.... there." Kamski said softly, "To try to contain whatever virus is in him... we had to lock off his memory."

Hank's face fell and I noticed a rise in heartbeat.

"He's as if he was still in his factory mode. Except with some emotions, obviously." My creator continued.

"You-you said! You promised! You promised you'd fix him, you fucking asshole!" Hank yelled.

Elijah stepped back, hands raised.
"I know, I know. It's an unperfected process, really. It takes time, Hank."

"Connor, follow." Kamski huffed.

I did as I was instructed, and followed.

I followed through the twisty hallways that all looked the same. Through the weird rooms. Through the fucking huge house.

Finally Elijah stopped, and opened a door.

It opened by being sort of sucked upwards.

Freedom of more than just androids ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)   || Hank x Connor||Where stories live. Discover now