Memory gaps, Thirium, and Robo Jesus

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An: I'm back again! I'm still traveling so I don't know how often updates will be out. Annnd still have writers block, but sometimes you just gotta do it anyways because motivation is a jealous bitch and if you're working without it it'll eventually turn up because it can't stand the idea of you working without it. Ive also been working on my comic, so I've been busy recently 😬. Anyways enough about me and my issues, back to Connor and his issues.

Markus' POV

[the next day]

More and more androids have been mysteriously shutting down here. Not that there is a whole lot of us in Jericho now. After the revolution, humanity slowly warmed up to us. While it's still not perfect, it's better. And that's good. So, most of us went on to live our lives.

Most of the ones who stayed, and have been infected claim to have memory errors, gaps, some almost like they've been factory reset. Not long after, biocomponents begin to shut down. Thirium spills from noses and mouths, sometimes even eyes or ears, as they shut down. Witnessing it is absolutely scarring.

I just hope that whatever it is, it's contained and terminated.

"Markus?" Simon asked ripping me from my thoughts, as he looked up at me.

Thirium poured from his nose.

"Jesus Christ. Hang on baby, here... here." I said, concerned tone turning softer as I gently put a towel against his nose and upper lip.

"How much longer before we can go home?" He asked, swatting my hand away.

I sighed, and looked at the other androids that laid on mats on the cold ground. They were shutting down... and we couldn't do anything.

"I don't know... you can always go without me though. I'm sure Carl would be delighted to see you, and-"

"No! No. I... I wanna go with you. I can wait, it'll be fine. Other than the blue blood I don't have any other issues. My diagnostic program is working fine too. Just... I don't want to be alone again." Simon interrupted anxiously.

I reached out and caressed his cheek.
"You know I wouldn't leave you like that again."

Simon nodded, and leaned his head into my hand lovingly.

"I know... just... I was so scared, Markus. Scared they would find me. That- that I wouldn't be able to see you again." He said quietly, pale blue eyes looking to me almost desperately.

I smiled sadly, mind going blank.

The synthetic skin on my hand faded up to my wrist, and the skin on Simon's cheek also disappeared.

I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just showed him how I felt.


Simon half smiled.
I could feel his emotions too, and almost hear what he wanted to.

Love. So much love, it made my chest ache.

I sighed again, and gently retracted my hand. My forearm rested on my knee, hands dangling between my legs.

"I suppose some change of scenery would be nice, huh?" I said, standing up from the small empty crate from cyberlife.

Simon gave me a confused look.

"Come on." I chuckled, gesturing to the left with a tilt of my head.

Simon exhaled, and stood up from the steps.

"Where are we going?" He mumbled, seemingly still disappointed.

"Home. I can't resist those puppy eyes anymore, and watching our people wither away is... morbid. And terrifying. Getting some fresh air, and a change of scenery seems like it'd do us some good. Carl would be happy to see us, after all we haven't been back in a few days." I explained, grabbing my coat and putting it on.

Simon looked excited.

I chuckled, as we locked arms.

As we walked to the exit, we were stopped by a familiar android in a DPD sweater and blue short shorts.

It was Connor.

An: I know it's very short but there's gonna be another update soon!!

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