I aint gonna lie im half asleep rn

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An: ok so if there's a lot of typos n stuff then oops. I've been having "typos" while talking and physically writing today and oof.

Connor's POV

With a quick scan, my eyes were proved correct.

It... it was Ralph.

He had lived... so to speak. I wouldn't call being repaired like this over and over again and battling... whatever this is... life.

Elijah Kamski's POV

Ralph stood quickly, with a large smile.

"Connor!" He exclaimed cheerfully.

Connor smiled and they went to hug. But the second their synthetic skin made contact, both androids froze.

They completely and utterly froze. LEDs spinning red for a period of time.

I cocked my head to the side. Then stepped forward.

Ralph was the first to break free from that state, and quickly backed away.

His LED remained a bright red.

And Connor? He remained frozen.

Again I stepped closer.

Thirium has turned his eyes a blue color, and began to drip from his nose.

I sighed.

She appeared beside me.
"Yes Elijah?"

"Get the repairs room ready." I ordered.

She nodded and disappeared down the hall.

I looked at Connor.

"Ralph wants to know what will happen to him." Ralph said quietly.

I sighed.
"He will be fixed. Don't worry. You can go."

Ralph nodded, and walked away. Half a smile on his face. He was going to see the Chloe's and hear stories.

Connor's LED flickered out, and the life faded rom his eyes.

I sighed, and redid my hair as I circled him. Looking for any visible damage that may have caused the issue.

Even though I know fully well that it wasn't physical.

"Come on Connor." I whispered.

Slowly I lifted up his sweatshirt, looking for the port on his chest.

And then something grabbed my hair roughly. Other arm pushing me away and slamming me into the wall.

I choked out a breath, before not being able to inhale. The wind knocked from my lungs.

The RK series android slowly turned its head towards me. And something about it didn't feel right. It didn't feel like him.

It didn't feel alive.

It's discolored eyes flickered before the whole machine sparked at various joints, and then thirium poured from its mouth and eyes.

Finally ending as it collapsed to the ground sparking and smoking.

I coughed and wiped the fowl smelling smoke away. Being able to breathe again.

Thirium pooled around the android.

I stared at it, wide eyed.

That wasn't Connor.

Freedom of more than just androids ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)   || Hank x Connor||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang