I told you it wouldnt be what you think

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An: sorry for the whiiiile without an update, I've been traveling and been having lack of motivation for literally anything with writing (so writers block I guess) but ya boi is back in town (figuratively), with a freshly burned foot (not joking, I stepped on something hot like a fucking idiot) so les go!!!

Connor's POV

The lieutenant and I kissed again, this time a bit longer. Then I felt two fingers against my LED.

"Shh, you're okay." He said softly, like luring a lamb to the slaughter.

I blushed and nodded, trying to remain relatively calm.

Next he unbuttoned my shirt, which made me relax. He caressed my cheek.

"You want this baby?" He asked.

I blushed and nodded.

"Y-yes..." I mumbled,  for some reason a bit embarrassed.

His hands glided down my chest, and rested over a biocomponent in my abdomen.

If confused me a bit, since as far as I knew about sexual intercourse and Intimacy, this wasn't really the 'organ' humans would touch.

"Lieutenant, why- you know you are touching just above a bio component, and a module that controls my sleep mode, right?" I asked, still confused and a bit concerned.

He smirked.
"Oh I know. This isn't my first rodeo, Connor."

I chuckled nervously.

The synthetic skin on my chest was disabled as Hank opened up my abdomen.

On instinct I jerked back, however the lieutenant leans forward with me.

His hands disappeared into my robotic frame.

At first he toyed with a module that sent pleasure radiating through me. I wasn't quite aware what that part did.

"Mm...ah..." I moaned, eyes falling closed.

Then something felt wrong. A electric current was sent through my body, making me jolt.

"H-hank what are you-?" I was cut off by a strange numb feeling and red text flashing over my vision.

Sleep mode imminent 00:30

"Hank..!" I yelped, looking into his eyes.

He chuckled, and held both of my hands down with only one of his.

I was trapped.

My thirium pump was going crazy in my chest.

He had used the manual 'low power mode' which will send me into a deep sleep like state.

Then everything went black as I was forced to pass out.

Hank's POV

Freedom of more than just androids ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)   || Hank x Connor||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora