Is this a sleepover?

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                                                                                                Connor's POV

It had already turned dark outside, we had been at the bar for hours. How hank can spend so much time in a place like this is beyond me. It was okay a while ago, but now I'm bored... and I lost my coin in hanks car. I dropped it in between the seat on accident.

"Hank, didn't we only come here for lunch? Not dinner too." I asked, getting tired of the smell of liquor and the occasional rowdy customer.

He glared at me. Then looked a bit confused.

"Connor, you've been staying somewhere in Jericho, right?" He asked.

I didn't see how this question mattered that much, but I decided to try to answer it anyways.

Again, error text flashed over my vision again. Yet again the memory error came up.

"I don't know, Hank. It seems that trying to recall anything from after two weeks results in an error. If I had to guess though, it be a yes. However, the new spot for Jericho isn't close by, and I don't feel as if you should drive long distances after you have consumed alcohol." I said, looking over at him.

The Lieutenant shook his head.

"Alright, whatever. You can stay at my place for tonight, since your robot ass doesn't want me driving." He mumbled, then took another shot of whiskey.

I nodded, and began to wait again. I had just been bouncing my leg, since I didn't have my coin to play with, and sitting still was difficult.

Hank took another shot.

"Hank, does that mean we're having a sleepover?" I asked.

The Lieutenant did a spit take, then started coughing.

"No!" He said through coughs. "Connor, do we look like 12 year old girls?" He asked.

"No...? Well, I mean you look kinda like an old woman with that hair." I said.

Hank kicked my leg under the bar top.

"Fuckin' androids." He muttered. "I'm not an old lady."

I smirked a little.

"that was a rhetorical question, Connor. You didn't need to answer it." The Lieutenant mumbled, Paying for his drinks and getting up.

I got up as well and followed.

"Hank, should I drive?" I asked.

He looked at me, making an annoyed face.

"No." Hank stated, getting into his car.

I did the same.

The drive was so far quiet, other than Hank's heavy metal music blasting. On the bright side, I did find my coin on the floor.

I began to play with it, and then the Lieutenant smacked it out of my hand.

"Haven't you ever heard of don't distract the driver?!" He said, annoyed.

My LED pulsed red for a split second, as I put my coin into my pocket.

"S-sorry..." I mumbled, looking out the window instead. Unconsciously I began to bounce my leg again.

The lights of the city passed, and eventually turned into neighborhoods. Finally we pulled into the driveway, though he did have a garage. I just kinda assumed it was full of stuff.

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