Announcement: Not an update

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So wattpad didn't save my next chapter for this (UGHHH) so I will have to rewrite it (which sucks because I remember being at least 600 words in and in the beginning still.) anyways, between this and traveling around a lot I'm not sure when the next update will be/ how frequent this will be updated (probably on the same rate it's been going. An update every week or so...)

Anyways I saw a (I think a northern) blue tongued skunk today and I'm in a very good mood because of it. I LOVE reptiles, I actually have a mug of a bunch of salamanders on it.

Again I don't know how often updates will be out and I'm sorry. I'm visiting family that I only get to annually (because of my bad fear of flying... don't ask how that started because I'm not really sure. But those and elevators he'll no. The elevator thing is because I got stuck in one but the plane is just weird.) so I've/will be spending more time with my family than focusing on this or any other projects I've done (including personal ones...) :/

I'll try to rewrite what I had done to around the same quality (but honestly it's gone either be better or worse.)

Anyways until next update...
(if I see more skinks I'll be sure to share pics... fuknloveskinks)

Side note: skinks has the word kinks in it and honestly that's funny. I just imagine it being cuffed with its tiny little arms and like "these don't even fit on my tiny hands, you mortal fool." And that makes me kinda laugh tbh 😂

I like all skinks but I think it's obvious I have a favorite

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I like all skinks but I think it's obvious I have a favorite...

The blue boiz

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