Sumo, did you figure something out on the showers?

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Connor's POV

I awoke to Hank's quiet snoring. My face was buried in his neck, I could actually smell him.

Sweat coated his neck and face, I got the random urge to analyze it. So I did.

Gently I stuck out my tongue, and licked his neck.

Salt, sugar, small amounts of alcohol, ammonia, urea, and a few other things.

Hank woke up with a groan.
"What the fuuuuck Cooonnnoorrrrr!" He groaned, looking at me with half asleep eyes.

I chuckled.
"Sorry Lieutenant."

He blinked slowly.

"You're really sending me mixed vibes here, babe." Hank chuckled, something about his gaze changing.

"Babe?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. I smirked deviously.

"Jesus Christ. I'm getting up, I can't handle your signals right now." Hank groaned, throwing the covers off of his body.

"What signals? I'm not supposed to- am I broken? How do you know if I am sending signals? Should I call cyberlife??" I asked, sitting up.

Hank facepalmed, already halfway across the bedroom.

"Lieutenant!" I called as he closed the bathroom door.
"I'm not broken, am I?" I called again.

"No! Shut the fuck up Connor! Let a man take a cold shower in peace!" Hank called back, a hint of humor in his voice.

"Hank, why would you be taking a cold shower?! Most humans prefer their showers warm! Of course, you could be an exception, who am I to judge how you like your showers..."

"OH MY GOD CONNOR! Just shut up! I can't handle this bullshit!" He laughed.

I huffed, and looked over at sumo.

"Do you know why your dad likes weird showers? Fuckin' Weirdo..." I joked.

Sumo just tilted his head to the side, and barked quietly. A borf noise.

I chuckled and pat his head.

I flopped back onto the bed, only in my boxer briefs. I don't remember changing out of my clothes, nor do I remember hank changing me... weird.
I shrugged it off, as Sumo walked up next to me and laid down where hank had been laying.

"Sumo, did you figure out something on the showers? Maybe I should just search it... curiosity is killing me here. Not really, don't be alarmed Sumo. You know what, I'm just gonna search it." I mumbled to the dog, scratching under his ear.

"OH GOD GROSS!" I yelled as a reaction to the search.

"What?!" Hank called from the bathroom.

"I now know why people take cold showers! And I wish I didn't! That's gross, Lieutenant! Jesus..." I replied, burying my face into Sumo's side.

Freedom of more than just androids ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)   || Hank x Connor||Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum