He was alive!

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Connor's POV

My LED went bright red.

Hank had to shake my shoulders to snap me out of it.

I looked up at him, pain in my eyes.

"I don't wanna die." I whispered.

Kamski walked closer, and Hank stepped in between us protectively.

"Hold on a second there, Elijah." Hank said.
"Connor, you're not gonna die. Just- just like you said. You're gonna be fixed, yeah? You're... you're gonna be fine."

I nodded, though a rise in stress levels said he was lying.

Kamski pushes him aside, and Hank pursed his lips.

"Now hang on, Connor. We can still try. And it'll buy you time." Elijah stated, hand on my shoulder.
"And I have someone I think you'll wanna see."

I stifled a sob, and nodded.

He walked with me, but Hank did not follow. He huffed and walked back with a Chloe.

My stress levels went up.

Kamski smiled at me.
"You gotta be hopeful. And persist. I was, when I was making your kind, Connor. And look, we have a whole new intelligent life form among us."

I only nodded again.

"A smile could help." Elijah mumbled.

I forced a smile, though I'm sure it looked as fake as can be.

Kamski chuckled nervously.

And then we stopped in front of a door.

"Turn the handle." Elijah said, leaning close to my ear.

I jerked back a bit, and took a deep breath. Then twisted the knob.

An android looked at me, turning around.

He had a cape that read cargo 2 on it.

He seemed familiar... and then I realized why.

It was him. He was alive! He was okay!

Freedom of more than just androids ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)   || Hank x Connor||Where stories live. Discover now