Comfort and Repairs

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Hank's POV

I had brought Connor away from the room, and back towards our desks. He was obviously shaken up, and upset.

My arm rested on his hip, wrapped around the poor thing.

"I'm okay... I'm... I'm fine." Connor practically whispered.

I rubbed his back.

"You sure? That was... that was pretty awful." I sympathized.

He nodded.
"It's just... hard to see. Please, disregard anything I said from then until now. I was just... emotional. It was nothing."

His voice sounded... numb. Inhuman. Robotic. Emotionless.

"You sure your okay? You're talking in a weird tone." I asked, as I saw his LED go solid red.

His eyes fell closed, and he went limp. Knees buckling, and beginning to collapse.

"Jesus Christ, Connor!" I gasped, catching him.

He was completely lifeless, LED flickering red. The light went to a yellow, and he opened his eyes again. The event in total only lasted a few seconds.

Connor squeaked, and jumped back. Creating space.

I mean I was kinda all for holding him... wait what?

"I-I think we should get you home." I said, dragging the words out a bit slower as I tried to process what had just happened.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" He asked, sounding more like himself again.

"No, no... you're just, uh.... you know what it doesn't matter right now. Come on, we're going."

"But Lieutenant-!" He began, trying to protest.

"It's Hank! And no buts, we're going." I cut him off, grabbing his arm again to speed along the process.

I didn't need Connor going on the fritz, or shutting down on me. Let him rest, and get him the hell outta here will hopefully help the android.

Ralph's POV (sorry in advance it's a bit weirdly written)

Main systems- connected, online
Main Biocomponents- operational
Secondary biocomponents- operational
Sleep mode- on
Sleep mode- . . .
Sleep mode- off
Visual- . . .
Visual- operational
Audio- operational
Breathing- operational
Legs- disconnected, offline
Arms- disconnected, offline

Ralph's sight came back. He could see again.

He was being held up, as robotic limbs touched him everywhere. His skin was disabled.

Freedom of more than just androids ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)   || Hank x Connor||Where stories live. Discover now