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An: yeah so sorry for no update but mmmm guess who got hecka sick and bombarded with school work? Yep, ya boi over here. Welp I'm back!!!!

I've also been playing a shit ton of Zelda...

Connor's POV
[hours later]

The car ride was slow, and somewhat tense.

"So..." Hank began, trying to interrupt the awkward silence.
"Why're we seeing Kamski now? And not like when you were dying?"

I sighed, looking out the window.
"I'm hoping I can get some answers. Maybe be repaired. Both are ideal."

Hank just nodded, and turned on the radio.
Depressed heavy metal started blasting.

"Here's your chance to 'listen to music as such'." Hank chuckled.

A smile spread onto my face.

We just listened to the very... unique... music.

Then Hank changed it to jazz.

"Ya like jazz?" I couldn't help but ask, mimicking the bee's voice.

Hank sputtered with laughter and Svedberg a bit on the road.

"Please, do not kill us lieutenant. I'm already dying, but your death wouldn't be good." I asked, hand on the 'oh shit handle'.

He just glared at me.

I looked away, and back out the window.

The world passed, androids walking around freely, people not really bothering them, then one began to spit up thirium.

It was spreading.

People crowded around the poor android, an AX400 model. It reminded me of Kara, though I knew it wasn't.

I had lost touch with her after the battle for Detroit. She crossed to Canada, and I haven't heard a word since. Maybe I'll visit sometime...

"Hey Connor?" Hank asked, taking me out of thought.

I looked over at him.

"What happens if Kamski tries to repair you?" He asked.

I took a second, thinking.
"I will be disassembled, then he will find out what's wrong. Like a autopsy. I will be repaired and reassembled... hopefully. Worst comes to worst, I'm reset, or another RK model takes my place."

Hank frowned.
"That's just inhuman."

I chuckled.
"Well, I am an android. Not flesh and blood."

"Thirium and plastic is equal to flesh and blood at this point. So shut up, you pessimistic hunk of plastic." Hank joked.

"That's a bit contradicting, but okay..." I mumbled, playing with my hoodie strings.
I still wasn't wearing my suit.

Eventually the car slowed, and we pulled up to Elijah's house.

We got out of the car, and walked up the ramp towards the door.

My thirium pink began to pump harder. Nerves beginning to get to me.

Hank put his hand on my shoulder, and reassured me.

Then the door opened.

"Hello Connor." Chloe said happily.

"I-I'm Sorry about shooting you." I apologized quietly.

She just shrugged it off, and let us in.
"Elijah Kamski will be right with you shortly."

I nodded and looked around again.
Stopping at the picture of Amanda.

My spit felt choking as I remembered how she had controlled me. And the fact that she was back. And it could happen again.

Hank walked up behind me.

I nodded, and forced myself to walk away and sit down.

Hank sat down in the other chair.

"Yeah... a bit." I said, fidgeting with my hoodie strings again.

Hank tossed something at me. I caught it.
It was my coin.

I smiled at him, and began to play with that instead.

The door opened, and kamski walked out.

Covered in blue blood.

Freedom of more than just androids ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)   || Hank x Connor||Where stories live. Discover now