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Connor's POV

My brain screamed danger at me, the sight of Kamski covered in blue blood certainly unnerving.

"Come in, come in." He invited with a somewhat psychotic smirk.

Hank and I looked at each other, before he got up and walked over. I just followed.

We walked past the pool, and several Chloes.

Elijah grabbed a towel off of the wall and wiped his face. Somewhat smearing the thirium.

My 'heart' was pounding in my chest.

M-maybe coming here wasn't the *best* idea...

Hank pat my shoulder.
"Relax. You're fine."

I only nodded, and kept following my creator.

"So, Connor, what seems to be the problem? Since you only ever visit me when something's wrong..." he asked.

I stuttered for a second, not able to grasp any words.

Kamski chuckled.
"Take your time."

I took a deep breath, and blinked hard.
"A- A virus. It went undetected in my system, for who knows how long. Only now does it seem to be wreaking havoc. And not only in me, but in- in, uh, other androids too."

Elijah nodded, stopping walking and turning around to face me.
"Continue. I can see there's more on your mind than just that."

I nodded and began to explain again.
"There seems to be no connection. Different models, different times, it's the same as deviancy. The only things that are the same are the symptoms, and that it only happens to androids."

Kamski paused, and looked as if he was thinking.
"What're the symptoms, Connor?"

"Uh... memory gaps, bloody noses, weakness, and..." I began, being cut off by a warning flashing over my vision.

High Internal temperature

Cooling protocol activated

I could feel my LED spinning a bright red. The color of Kamski's weird pool.

"Uhm... Yeah... sorry." I mumbled.

He nodded.
"I got an android a while ago, the first one I've seen with the virus. We repaired them, and have tried to get rid of the issue multiple times... it's not been going well. It keeps reappearing again. We're going on number thirty two, by now."

I swallowed hard.

There's no cure.

Freedom of more than just androids ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)   || Hank x Connor||Where stories live. Discover now