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Kamski's POV

I stood, in a state of shock. Headache becoming more apparent, as a trickle of red came into view, dripping down the side of my nose.

Connor laid on the floor, synthetic skin deactivated. No color to his LED, and in a pool of his own blood.

Hank is gonna kill me....

I sighed.

"Choke!" I called again, waiting for her to appear.

A snapping noise came from Connor's corpse. Probably a biocomponent fracturing.

More toxic smoke followed the noise.

"Chloe!!" I called once more, a plea this time.

Finally the blonde android appeared from around the corner.

"Yes Elija- oh my god!" She shrieked, LED going red.

"Shh, shh, yeah... it's bad. Take him to the repairs room. I'll get myself patched up and break the news to Anderson." I mumbled, fear of Hank ripping me a new one rising.

Chloe nodded, and went to touch Connor. Stopping just shy of his body. She pursed her lips.

"What if it happens to me?" She asked, looking over at me.
"I don't want to die, Elijah."

I sighed.
"You'll be fine."

Chloe bit her lip and picked up the shattered body of Connor. His arm snapping off like a toothpick.

I picked it up and placed it onto his chest.

Chloe walked off, and I let myself slump back into the wall.

"Christ... what is happening?" I asked, palms pressing into my eyes.

After a few deep breaths, I grew a pair and continued on. Going to find another Chloe to be able to slap a bandaid onto my forehead, or liquid stitches. Either would work....

It was a quick process, but now what I was really scared for.

Facing Hank.

Hank's POV

The doors opened, as I sat in the chair by the pool. Watching two androids talk casually with each other.

I turned my head to see a roughed up Kamski step through.

my legs moved on their own, making me stand.

Kamski wouldn't meet my eyes. Keeping his gaze, and head, aimed down.

"What- what happened?? Is Connor okay?" I asked, quickly walking over.

He took a deep breath.

And I knew something was wrong.

"About that..." Kamski began.

"What? What did you do?" I asked, hands on his arms like some sort of anime character trying to make senpai stay close to them.

"I didn't do anything! It was all him. we we're just talking, and Connor just.... he attacked me! I had no choice!" Elijah defended.

I growled, and wanted to punch him.
"Connor wouldn't hurt anyone! He's too... too innocent!"

Kamski laughed, a noise supposed to be joyful, but was now filled with anger and annoyance.
"Well he did."

I grabbed him by the collar of his fancy-ass shirt.

He grabbed my arm, face blank.
"There was no choice, Lieutenant."

As fast as my anger grew, it fizzled out, and I let go of him.

"Fix him. You're going to fix him. And that is what isn't a choice." I stated, making no room for his failure.

I can't lose him.... not him too.
I've lost too many people.

Connor made me regain my faith in humanity, and I'm gonna make sure humanity doesn't lose faith in him.

Because I sure as hell won't. And I'm gonna beat this rich guy's ass if he does.

Freedom of more than just androids ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)   || Hank x Connor||Where stories live. Discover now