Party like it's Friday

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That night they went back to the dorm just in time because the guys just got back. After a few hours they made dinner and ate peacefully.

After eating Suga and Luna went to their room.

Yes, they now moved in together not just because they were together but because the leak came back.

They've been talking a while now and Luna had an Idea.

S: So we're almost done with the song. The composition is great, it's written with the arrangements and the lyrics are on point it's almost ready to record.

L: That's so great honey we've all worked so hard on it...What if we through a party to celebrate that the song is done. We could prepare the decorations and the food this week and it could all be a surprise for the guys. Oh and of course I'll take care of everything. What do you think?

S: know what, I think it's a great idea. The guys and I will finish the song in the next few days and we could through the party on Friday. Then I'll help you with the decorations.

L: Thank you. Don't worry, the party is gonna be great and everyone will love the song. I'm sure of it.

Days passed and the song was finished. Every thing was set for recording at the studio. Even though the recordings will take place next week. Now it was Friday and Suga was thinking of giving Luna the necklace tonight at the party but he wasn't sure yet.

That afternoon while the guys were setting the things in the studio for next week Luna was starting to prepare the food and snacks. Later on Suga came to the dorm to help Luna with the decorations as he said he would. By the time they were done the sun was setting.

The guys arrived and when they opened the door they were so surprised on how amazing the party turned out. While they ate and drank and basically partied hearing their own songs and all. Suga decided it was time for a toast.

Suga tapped on a crystal glass.

S: I call a toast. For this party in which we are celebrating our newest single. In which we worked so hard and Luna also helped us a lot I don't know what we'd do without her help. Also because she was the one to organize and prepare this party for us so cheers to that.

They all cheered

S: Now I also want to give a toast because on Monday Luna will begin her studies at the university and I just wanted her to know how proud I am and how proud we are of you so thank you. I love you sweetheart.

S: So now keep enjoying the party!

Suga called Luna quietly to go some place quiet so they went to the ceiling of the building. Where a beautiful scene was spotted as the sun was nearly gone and the lights were turning on.

Suga knealed down on one knee. Luna was a little scared at first but not that scared since she loved him. As he took a little box out of his jacket.

S: Luna my sweetheart, my one true love. This here is a gift to you with all my heart which represents both of our hearts in something that we both like; Star Wars. I know its not a ring but this represents us and our unstoppable love.

He then stood up, Luna was starting to tear up and Suga as well. He then took the necklace which said "I love you" and put it around her neck as she held it and looked at it to admire it. She then took the other necklace from his hands and she put it on him this one spelled out the words "I know".

L: Yoongi this is beautiful I can't possibly express how much I love you and appreciate you. I just want to say one thing:

She breathed in to get that emotion.


He then replied like the phrases in their necklaces while taking her hands and involving them with his. Then they kissed, they hugged and they watched the sun go down revealing a beautiful night sky full of beautiful stars.

This is the necklace:

This is the necklace:

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